
11thdoctor 15wordsaday 2000ad 3danimation 3rdrockgrid 3RG 50s 60s 70s 80s 80smusic 9thdoctor aacmecity AbneyPark ACDC addiction adventure AFrame AfterEverythingNowThis aha airglow AlanParsons alanparsonsproject aldi alien aliens allysloper AlyCook Ambient ambientmusic americanaphoto Amiga amvideo AnakinSkywalker anamorphic Android androidauto Andromeda Angel animatedfilm animatedmovies animatedshort animatedshortfilm animation anime annielennox anya Apocryphal Tales ApocryphalTales architecture architecturephotography ArethaFranklin art artchie Artemis81 artwork Arty Crafty Clever Stuff ArtyCraftyCleverStuff asimov AssassinationClassroom asseenoncountdown AsSeenonRage attackontitan ausmusic aussie Australia Australian australiancomics australianhistory australianmusic australiantv AustraliaOnly autos b3d B52s babylonzoo banksy barnstorm Batman baxendale beavisandbutthead berserk beserk Bewitched bigbend birthday blackcab blakes7 blender blueoystercult boadgames boardgames BoardsofCanada BobaFett bobcalvert Bowie BrinaEno Browser BSD BTPOtherPro buffy buildings buildingtools byideal C4D canada captainscarlett cars castle cat catandgirl cgshorts Chaosium charliehebdo chess chillout chistopherpriest christmas christophegoze chumbawumba cityscapephotography clara claraoswinoswald classroom clipstudiopaint coding coil Comedy comic Comic Narratives ComicNarrative comics computergames ConEmu Consoles ConspiracyTheory CophNia cosplay countdown Cover Covers coverversion CowboyBebp craftworld creativity Creepy crime cropcirlces crossover crossoverfanart crowdedhouse cthulhu CultFilm Curious Pasttimes CuriousPasttimes cybermen cycles dalek dandeacon daria DARIA darkhumour darkshadows DarkStar DarrylCunningham data DavidBowie DavidByrne dawnofthedead deadkennedys deadoralive depression detective detention deviantart devo dickdasterdly dickheads dipinti disability Disintegration DoctorHorrible doctorpuppet DoctorWho dogs Dolby donfearthereaper donhenley DontFeartheReaper dorothy DOS DoubleJ DreamGrid dreams DrFaustusAU drseuss drwho Dune easybeats ebola ebolaresponse eccomics edgarfroese edison editors Editors education elementary elves Emocore epilepsy equality Escher europeanunion Eurovision EveOnline everystar eyeinthesky Faanish Stuff FaanishStuff fairychess fanart Fandom fanguide Fantastic fantasy fantheory FarmingSimulator film filmnoir films finland firefly firekites Firestorm fisheye FitForRivals flash flashandthepan Folk folkmusic fortytwo FPS freedom froese fullemetalalchemist Fumetti funny futureimperfect futureiperfect gahanwilson game gameofgoose games Gamification gaming gangajang GaryNuman geekfactor GeorgeEllis georgeyoung gerryanderson Ghostintheshell ghostworld glinda globalpainter goth gotham graffiti graphicnovel gravity greatcanadiangrid greece Greenday greenghost gsotd gsotd2015 gsotd2017 Halloween Halloween2017 HappyNewYear Hawklords hawkwind Hawkwind Heaven17 HeavenSeventeen hedwig helsinkistreetart herbiehancock HeyHeyItsSaturday HGWells HiFidelity high history hobo holiday Holodeck horriblehistories Hottest100 howlingbells hqsplandscape huds HueytheMaltese HughLaurie HumanLeague humor humour hypergrid Immortal in indianburialground IndigoGirls InfiniteCanvas installation internet Interpol InWorldz inxs iPhone irwinallen ISeeTheWorldWithScience Issues ithinktoomuch iview Ivy JackHarkness JackieShane JamesBond January jargon Java jennyanywhere jennyeverwhere JennyEverywhere JennyEverywhere2018 JennyEverywhereDay jennyeverywhereday2018 jethrotull JimmyLittle johnlennon johnpaulyoung JohnSeverin judgedredd jughead kantner katebush kerbalspaceprogram kevcarmody kingdomhospital kirk knitting Krampus Krita KuboMovie kubrick lacunacoil ladytron language Laura Ess laurasannashewolf laurieanderson leonardnimoy leveleditor LGBT lgbtqi lindenscriptlanguage linerider linus linux Linux Live liveaction looneytunes LostWorlds LOTR loudlikelove lsl mabodecision MacOS MadScience magic magnacarta man manga manic maps marriage marriageequality MassiveAttck masters math maxq maze meaning medical Mesh metropolis MetropolisGrid michaelhutchence milkyway mirror MITLicense MoaningLisa mollymeldrum montypython montywedd MoodsOfMonday MoodyMonday MoodyMondayPhotography morlandholmes MothersDay motorific movies MrBerkley murals murdockmysteries music Música musical Musicals musicvideo muttley MyMoodyMonday mystery NameYourPrice nationalpark nedkelly Neeta neetathemechanic neilyoung neongenesisevangelion NeonHeights NetRadio newcastle NewCompanion News NewZealand NextGen nickcaveandthebadseeds nightscape nightsky nomanssky nostalgia nzmusic ObiWanKenobi Octobriana oldbuildings OpenSim opensimbuild opensimtutorials Opensimulator OpenSimulator & Hypergrid Stuff opensource Opensourcecharacter orlandoshooting OS2 overthemoon oz ozma paintings Pandora paperandpencil Paris Parody passionplay Pastiche patriarchy peanuts PearlMackie penelopepitstop people pertwee peteburns petergabriel phaistosdisc Photocomic pianomusic Pilot pirate pittura Placebo planet Podcast Podcasts Poe poetry Pop popuppaper portlandia preraffaelliti preraphaelians preraphaelites pride PriestEqualAura primus Prodigy production propaganda PS pseudoecho psychedelicfurs pumpkin pumpkins punk queer QueerComics quiz raamstein raamstien racinggame radiohead Rage RAGE railway rally RamaIV RandyNewman raymondreddington Redgum referrendum refugees relaxation REM renandstimpy rent representation research Rey RichardGreene riogrande Rip RobinHood robot Rock romanticism romanticismo romanticpaintings room327 RoryODonoghue rubik rubiks rubikstwist RussHeath sadheartshadow saleman sales samesex samyang sansar santa santaelenacanyon SBS SBSChill scarlettjohansson scfifi science ScienceSunday scifi scoobydoo scripts Scrivener seconddoctor secondlife Seconds Seconds Webcomic secondswebcomic SecondsWebcomic SeenonRAGE SeenOnRage senglestory sequentialart serenity servelan SethGlobalpainter sexandgender SF SgtRock shaggy Sherlock sherlockholmes shitpeoplesay shortanimatedfilm shortanimatedfilms shortanimatedmovie shortanimatedmovies shortfilms shortmovies sicksadworld silverage simulator siouxsieandthebanshees sistersofmercy slack slacktivity slenderman smashingpumpkins SMFY snakpuzzle Snoopy snowqueen snowyrange socialnetworking SomaFM songs sonya7s Sound and Vision SoundandMusic SoundandVision SoundAndVision space spectrumpursuitvehicle SPI spipublications spitenz splitenz spock Spoilers spyring stagecraft Starfleet StarFleet Starman StarryNights Starship startrek StarTrek starwars starwarstuesday steamboy Steampunk stopmotion Stories Stormtrooper strangeshit streetart streetphotography streetpics StreetView subgenius subhenius sunset supernatural SusanneVega svg sweeneytodd sysdneyoperahouse TameImpala tandy tangerinedream TARDIS tarot tdor TDOR2017 TED television terminology tessellationday texas texasnightsky TG thchurchband the The70s The80s The90s theblacklist thebyrds TheChurch TheChurchBand TheCityandtheCity TheCure thedamned thedoctor TheDoctors theflash TheForceAwakens thegreatpumpkin thejockstrapraiders TheLastJedi TheLoop TheMissionUK themokees themountaingoats TheNewRadicals TheOffspring theofshow theory TheSaints theshining TheSimpsons thesopranos thethe thewrights TheymightbeGiants thomasdolby timetunnel tism Tism TonnArt tonysoprano ToonArt toronto train trannie tranny trans transexual transgender transgenderdayofremembrance transsexual trek trekking trent TripleJ TrueCrime TS tshirt turisas tv TV tvseries tvshow twist ufo uhoh undeadmedia vangelis VFX Video mania videogame videogames Videomania VideoMania vikingmetal Virtual Destinations VirtualDestinations virtualworlds wackyraces waddingtons war Wargame WaroftheWorlds Webcomic webcomics weird Weirdness WesAnderson westernaustralia whedon Whovians wicked Wii wildernessphotographer willeisner windows Windows wizardofoz woolfson world WorldWonders wyoming xmas2014 yetinsyny zelazny zenpencils zombie zombieapocalypse zombies

Friday, October 30, 2015

Ah, the sixties!

Ah, the sixties!
#doctorwho #drwho


#doctorwho #drwho

Though wearing this appropriately is suggested.

Though  wearing this appropriately is suggested. Wearing it to the supermarket may not be the best choice. I made some batwings for myself a long time ago, and wore them sometimes.

Originally shared by Louis Doggett

Some people think that wings go with steampunk so here:

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Been exploring

Been exploring

I do like Aacme City - this one's in the Great Canadian Grid.

I do like Aacme City - this one's in the Great Canadian Grid. I smashed up a couple of vehicles and scored a note full of Hypergrid destinations. Time to go exploring.
#hypergrid #greatcanadiangrid #aacmecity

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

This morning it felt like my brain was coming out of head via my eyes, a strange effect of having a migraine/sinus...

This morning it felt like my brain was coming out of head via my eyes, a strange effect of having a migraine/sinus headache. But I still had to sit down and write in front of the computer. That cleared up (mostly) after lying in a darkened room watching a FLASH episode with the "Pied Piper" (a silly villain in the silver age comics, a vicious bastard in the TV show).

Tomoorow it's out and about which is probably a good thing.  Time to feed the pets and sit outside in the shade.

All the classics...

All the classics...

Can just imagine someone walking along with their face in a smart phone, and then noticing THIS!

Can just imagine someone walking along with their face in a smart phone, and then noticing THIS!

ha ha ha ha

Originally shared by Jean-Valentin Grigoras

Artist: Fra.Biancoshock
Prague, Czech Republic


I've shared this before, and having quoted it in my exegesis I thought I'd post it again.

I've shared this before, and having quoted it in my exegesis I thought I'd post it again. She talks about how incomplete fragments  of a person's life (whether true or not) become a "single story" implying an "only truth" about them. Worth listening to, and there's a transcript at
#senglestory #TED

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

I do like my Dolby.

I do like my Dolby.
#thomasdolby #musicvideo

This has been the last few days for me, I'm afraid...

This has been the last few days for me, I'm afraid...
#thomasdolby #musicvideo

In case you missed it.

In case you missed it. You need to follow the link, and click and drage the large panel at the bottom in order to explore it (will make sense when you do it).

Monday, October 26, 2015

Saturday, October 24, 2015

I remember watching this on first local broadcast (the last century).

I remember watching this on first local broadcast (the last century). Never been repeated, and if YOU watch it you'll find out why!



Originally shared by Doctor Who Today

For the #doctorwho fangirls in here

Which one are you?

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

I was looking for examples of propaganda comics, and found THIS!

I was looking for examples of propaganda comics, and found THIS! According to various sources (see, this was a CIA produced comic distributed in Grenada just before the US forces occupied that country.  This was at the tale end of the Cold War, but the comic seems fairly crude in what it's saying, more like an old Iron man comic than anything else.

The thing is, I "know" this artist - he did work for DELL and GOLD KEY in the 60s, I know his style. but his work was seldom signed. I'm not 100% sure but I think it's Jack Sparling, as based on examples I found at I guess work is work.
#propaganda #comics

You can get the free PDF version of this comic online (provided there are no "transmission errors") at the EU...

You can get the free PDF version of this comic online (provided there are no "transmission errors") at the EU bookshop (see

Um, shouldn't really comment on this until I actually read some of it.

Um, shouldn't really comment on this until I actually read some of it. Euro's team looks interesting, with Europa, Marcus, Helen, Erik, Pythagoras, and Lupo the wolf!
#comics #europeanunion

#war #comics

#war #comics
The classic example of Eisner's training comics.

And how about this - an official comic about what to do in case of a ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE!

And how about this - an official comic about what to do in case of a ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE! Yes, produced by the US Dept of health and Human Services. Now you CAN'T say that you don't know what to do in case this eventuates. You can get a PDF of this at
#comics #zombieapocalypse

Some comics by Will Eisner, that you've probably never heard of! A good example of comics used to train and instruct.

Some comics by Will Eisner, that you've probably never heard of! A good example of comics used to train and instruct.
#PS #willeisner #comics

Sunday, October 18, 2015

And so they are..

And so they are..

OK, one more time - one of the features of Shackleton, W.A. So far as I know it's never been robbed.

OK, one more time - one of the features of Shackleton, W.A. So far as I know it's never been robbed.

And one last photo, before new Doctor Who starts.

And one last photo, before new Doctor Who starts. There's something about buildings like this, whether they're in a ghost town in the Wild West, at Kwolyin, Western Australia, or from Linda Valley Tasmania, that evokes a certain pathos, of opportunities both taken and missed, but never to come again. Unlike abandoned mental and medical institutions which can look downright spooky in their desolation, these seem lonely and forlorn.

Now this is more like it, though it'd be a bugger to paint.

Now this is more like it, though it'd be a bugger to paint.

Not quite at the same level as the Leaning Tower of Pisa, is it? I've never heard of Chowerup , although I come...

Not quite at the same level as the Leaning Tower of Pisa, is it?  I've never heard of Chowerup , although I come from W.A. You have to wonder though, that if this is an attraction, what else is there in the town?
#westernaustralia #oldbuildings

Saturday, October 17, 2015

It's already yesterday

It's already yesterday
And nobody's answering
Disconnected, drift away
Nobody's questioning
Head of silver, feet of clay
Who is surrendering
They fall in our heyday
I am remembering
#nostalgia #thechurch #musicvideo

Friday, October 16, 2015

an "inbread cat" ;)

an "inbread cat" ;)

Originally shared by Millie Ho

Happy Friday! Here's a comic about bread cats for you.  #webcomic

Well, I saw THE MARTIAN and thoroughly enjoyed it.

Well, I saw THE MARTIAN and thoroughly enjoyed it. Seems like a fictional science film rather than science fictional film, like Interstellar and Gravity before it. Some similarities to a certain 1964 film, but not many.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

A story means a plot where there is some surprise. Because that is how life is - full of surprises.

A story means a plot where there is some surprise. Because that is how life is - full of surprises.

#doctorwho #thedoctor #geekfactor

For me, CRAFT - the use of tools to create known patterns of beauty and value - transcends to ART when the creator...

For me, CRAFT - the use of tools to create known patterns of beauty and value - transcends to ART when the creator uses the tools intended for the craft in ways OTHER than expected, and that's exactly what this work does.
I've just finished watching part 1 (there are three parts to this), I'm finding this to be VERY INTERESTING.
#art #games #meaning

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

That moment when, discovering that term coined by a well respected academic to help analyze comics - arthrology -...

That moment when, discovering that term coined by a well respected  academic to help analyze comics - arthrology - was ALREADY a medical term meaning "the science concerned with the study of anatomy, function, dysfunction and treatment of joints and articulations."!!!  Did he not check that it might already exist? :P
#theory #jargon #comics #medical #terminology

Monday, October 12, 2015

Today's been a full-on research into Australian comic culture since 2003.

Today's been a full-on research into Australian comic culture since 2003. This is trickier than it seems. For example, if you read this graphic novel, based on the Fitzgerald original) would you know (ignoring notes on the cover flaps) that it was produced by an Australian artist?

I've read this comic in book format, but I didn't realise that it was also a webcomic.

I've read this comic in book format, but I didn't realise that it was also a webcomic. Whatever you do, DON'T SELECT THE TEAPOT!
#australia #comics

Thursday, October 08, 2015

Interesting video attached to this video, from beeps to MP3s as the OP put it.

Interesting video attached to this video, from beeps to MP3s as the OP put it.

Originally shared by Daniel Bull

The video in this post has a great bit of history about how sound synthesis evolved in home computing and consoles from beeps to mp3's.

Wednesday, October 07, 2015

Those were the days, in one of YES's phases of recreating themselves.

Those were the days, in one of YES's phases of recreating themselves. Catchy tune though clearly someone had discovered the SFX on their video editor. Still, good to listen to in the background for an old fan working on rewriting stuff. pretending to be German when depressed! ;) pretending to be German when depressed! ;)

Monday, October 05, 2015

H a ha - what used to be the start of the second side of THE BLURRED CRUSADE just played.

H a ha - what used to be the start of the second side of THE BLURRED CRUSADE just played. It features some one knocking on the door and Steve Kilbey saying "Yeah, wait there". Both Theo an Sophie starting barking at that!

What made that sweet was that my old dog Pegasus used to do the same, no matter how often he heard it.
#thechurch #dogs

FUCK, YES !!!!!!

FUCK, YES !!!!!!
Of course it'd have to be a guest appearance because  Sean plays Alfred in GOTHAM. I think it'd be cool to see the 12th Doctor cross paths with the 3rd. After Patrick Troughton, John Pertwee was my 2nd favourite Doctor.
#drwho #doctorwho #gotham #pertwee

Another cool example of linerider.

Another cool example of linerider.

Line Rider is a peculiar sort of solitaire game, where you draw a set of lines, and then watch the rider drop and...

Line Rider is a peculiar sort of solitaire game, where you draw a set of lines, and then watch the rider drop and ride along them. Still not clear? Watch this video for an example:

Thursday, October 01, 2015

Shopping for free, oh my, oh my-)

Shopping for free, oh my, oh my-)

A much better day today.

A much better day today. I added sections for The Australian Children's Pictorial Social Studies series and also Streetwize Comics. The last one was a really important comic. It was published for youth to read about various issues, it was realistic, nonjudgmental and free! Here's a sample:
#australia #comics


The JUPITER 8! #Fandom