
11thdoctor 15wordsaday 2000ad 3danimation 3rdrockgrid 3RG 50s 60s 70s 80s 80smusic 9thdoctor aacmecity AbneyPark ACDC addiction adventure AFrame AfterEverythingNowThis aha airglow AlanParsons alanparsonsproject aldi alien aliens allysloper AlyCook Ambient ambientmusic americanaphoto Amiga amvideo AnakinSkywalker anamorphic Android androidauto Andromeda Angel animatedfilm animatedmovies animatedshort animatedshortfilm animation anime annielennox anya Apocryphal Tales ApocryphalTales architecture architecturephotography ArethaFranklin art artchie Artemis81 artwork Arty Crafty Clever Stuff ArtyCraftyCleverStuff asimov AssassinationClassroom asseenoncountdown AsSeenonRage attackontitan ausmusic aussie Australia Australian australiancomics australianhistory australianmusic australiantv AustraliaOnly autos b3d B52s babylonzoo banksy barnstorm Batman baxendale beavisandbutthead berserk beserk Bewitched bigbend birthday blackcab blakes7 blender blueoystercult boadgames boardgames BoardsofCanada BobaFett bobcalvert Bowie BrinaEno Browser BSD BTPOtherPro buffy buildings buildingtools byideal C4D canada captainscarlett cars castle cat catandgirl cgshorts Chaosium charliehebdo chess chillout chistopherpriest christmas christophegoze chumbawumba cityscapephotography clara claraoswinoswald classroom clipstudiopaint coding coil Comedy comic Comic Narratives ComicNarrative comics computergames ConEmu Consoles ConspiracyTheory CophNia cosplay countdown Cover Covers coverversion CowboyBebp craftworld creativity Creepy crime cropcirlces crossover crossoverfanart crowdedhouse cthulhu CultFilm Curious Pasttimes CuriousPasttimes cybermen cycles dalek dandeacon daria DARIA darkhumour darkshadows DarkStar DarrylCunningham data DavidBowie DavidByrne dawnofthedead deadkennedys deadoralive depression detective detention deviantart devo dickdasterdly dickheads dipinti disability Disintegration DoctorHorrible doctorpuppet DoctorWho dogs Dolby donfearthereaper donhenley DontFeartheReaper dorothy DOS DoubleJ DreamGrid dreams DrFaustusAU drseuss drwho Dune easybeats ebola ebolaresponse eccomics edgarfroese edison editors Editors education elementary elves Emocore epilepsy equality Escher europeanunion Eurovision EveOnline everystar eyeinthesky Faanish Stuff FaanishStuff fairychess fanart Fandom fanguide Fantastic fantasy fantheory FarmingSimulator film filmnoir films finland firefly firekites Firestorm fisheye FitForRivals flash flashandthepan Folk folkmusic fortytwo FPS freedom froese fullemetalalchemist Fumetti funny futureimperfect futureiperfect gahanwilson game gameofgoose games Gamification gaming gangajang GaryNuman geekfactor GeorgeEllis georgeyoung gerryanderson Ghostintheshell ghostworld glinda globalpainter goth gotham graffiti graphicnovel gravity greatcanadiangrid greece Greenday greenghost gsotd gsotd2015 gsotd2017 Halloween Halloween2017 HappyNewYear Hawklords hawkwind Hawkwind Heaven17 HeavenSeventeen hedwig helsinkistreetart herbiehancock HeyHeyItsSaturday HGWells HiFidelity high history hobo holiday Holodeck horriblehistories Hottest100 howlingbells hqsplandscape huds HueytheMaltese HughLaurie HumanLeague humor humour hypergrid Immortal in indianburialground IndigoGirls InfiniteCanvas installation internet Interpol InWorldz inxs iPhone irwinallen ISeeTheWorldWithScience Issues ithinktoomuch iview Ivy JackHarkness JackieShane JamesBond January jargon Java jennyanywhere jennyeverwhere JennyEverywhere JennyEverywhere2018 JennyEverywhereDay jennyeverywhereday2018 jethrotull JimmyLittle johnlennon johnpaulyoung JohnSeverin judgedredd jughead kantner katebush kerbalspaceprogram kevcarmody kingdomhospital kirk knitting Krampus Krita KuboMovie kubrick lacunacoil ladytron language Laura Ess laurasannashewolf laurieanderson leonardnimoy leveleditor LGBT lgbtqi lindenscriptlanguage linerider linus linux Linux Live liveaction looneytunes LostWorlds LOTR loudlikelove lsl mabodecision MacOS MadScience magic magnacarta man manga manic maps marriage marriageequality MassiveAttck masters math maxq maze meaning medical Mesh metropolis MetropolisGrid michaelhutchence milkyway mirror MITLicense MoaningLisa mollymeldrum montypython montywedd MoodsOfMonday MoodyMonday MoodyMondayPhotography morlandholmes MothersDay motorific movies MrBerkley murals murdockmysteries music Música musical Musicals musicvideo muttley MyMoodyMonday mystery NameYourPrice nationalpark nedkelly Neeta neetathemechanic neilyoung neongenesisevangelion NeonHeights NetRadio newcastle NewCompanion News NewZealand NextGen nickcaveandthebadseeds nightscape nightsky nomanssky nostalgia nzmusic ObiWanKenobi Octobriana oldbuildings OpenSim opensimbuild opensimtutorials Opensimulator OpenSimulator & Hypergrid Stuff opensource Opensourcecharacter orlandoshooting OS2 overthemoon oz ozma paintings Pandora paperandpencil Paris Parody passionplay Pastiche patriarchy peanuts PearlMackie penelopepitstop people pertwee peteburns petergabriel phaistosdisc Photocomic pianomusic Pilot pirate pittura Placebo planet Podcast Podcasts Poe poetry Pop popuppaper portlandia preraffaelliti preraphaelians preraphaelites pride PriestEqualAura primus Prodigy production propaganda PS pseudoecho psychedelicfurs pumpkin pumpkins punk queer QueerComics quiz raamstein raamstien racinggame radiohead Rage RAGE railway rally RamaIV RandyNewman raymondreddington Redgum referrendum refugees relaxation REM renandstimpy rent representation research Rey RichardGreene riogrande Rip RobinHood robot Rock romanticism romanticismo romanticpaintings room327 RoryODonoghue rubik rubiks rubikstwist RussHeath sadheartshadow saleman sales samesex samyang sansar santa santaelenacanyon SBS SBSChill scarlettjohansson scfifi science ScienceSunday scifi scoobydoo scripts Scrivener seconddoctor secondlife Seconds Seconds Webcomic secondswebcomic SecondsWebcomic SeenonRAGE SeenOnRage senglestory sequentialart serenity servelan SethGlobalpainter sexandgender SF SgtRock shaggy Sherlock sherlockholmes shitpeoplesay shortanimatedfilm shortanimatedfilms shortanimatedmovie shortanimatedmovies shortfilms shortmovies sicksadworld silverage simulator siouxsieandthebanshees sistersofmercy slack slacktivity slenderman smashingpumpkins SMFY snakpuzzle Snoopy snowqueen snowyrange socialnetworking SomaFM songs sonya7s Sound and Vision SoundandMusic SoundandVision SoundAndVision space spectrumpursuitvehicle SPI spipublications spitenz splitenz spock Spoilers spyring stagecraft Starfleet StarFleet Starman StarryNights Starship startrek StarTrek starwars starwarstuesday steamboy Steampunk stopmotion Stories Stormtrooper strangeshit streetart streetphotography streetpics StreetView subgenius subhenius sunset supernatural SusanneVega svg sweeneytodd sysdneyoperahouse TameImpala tandy tangerinedream TARDIS tarot tdor TDOR2017 TED television terminology tessellationday texas texasnightsky TG thchurchband the The70s The80s The90s theblacklist thebyrds TheChurch TheChurchBand TheCityandtheCity TheCure thedamned thedoctor TheDoctors theflash TheForceAwakens thegreatpumpkin thejockstrapraiders TheLastJedi TheLoop TheMissionUK themokees themountaingoats TheNewRadicals TheOffspring theofshow theory TheSaints theshining TheSimpsons thesopranos thethe thewrights TheymightbeGiants thomasdolby timetunnel tism Tism TonnArt tonysoprano ToonArt toronto train trannie tranny trans transexual transgender transgenderdayofremembrance transsexual trek trekking trent TripleJ TrueCrime TS tshirt turisas tv TV tvseries tvshow twist ufo uhoh undeadmedia vangelis VFX Video mania videogame videogames Videomania VideoMania vikingmetal Virtual Destinations VirtualDestinations virtualworlds wackyraces waddingtons war Wargame WaroftheWorlds Webcomic webcomics weird Weirdness WesAnderson westernaustralia whedon Whovians wicked Wii wildernessphotographer willeisner windows Windows wizardofoz woolfson world WorldWonders wyoming xmas2014 yetinsyny zelazny zenpencils zombie zombieapocalypse zombies

Saturday, September 30, 2017

Go Tina Go!

Go Tina Go!

Or maybe panic WITHOUT a Disco being needed.

Or maybe panic WITHOUT a Disco being needed. Not, um, sure, what genre this is in (though at least it's set in Japan).

And while we're panicking at a Disco...

And while we're panicking at a Disco...

Burn down the disco

Burn down the disco
Hang the blessed DJ
Because the music that they constantly play
Hang the blessed DJ
Because the music they constantly play

Why I seldom go to queer clubs, because they play boring music, but my tastes have been warped by Vegemite and various Goth scenes. Also, I never knew abut this, but Greenday wanted to kill the DJ again., see

Poor ol 'Pete Burns.

Poor ol 'Pete Burns.

The Cranberries - I Can't Be With You

"Now she's in purple, now she's a turtle..."

"Now she's in purple, now she's a turtle..."

"Naughty boys in nasty schools..."

"Naughty boys in nasty schools..."

The Federal Case of lovesongs.

The Federal Case of lovesongs.

Thursday, September 28, 2017

For me, a perfect Album for the time.

For me, a perfect Album for the time.

Early Japanese Animations: The Origins of Anime (1917-1931)

"Sit down and shaddup!"

"Sit down and shaddup!"
My fave track on the Warlords of Atlantis album. Far better than the film it sampled, which despite impressive special effects, has as much character as a cardboard box.

I made the shell of a Lifeboat this morning.

I made the shell of a Lifeboat this morning. Similar to D'Olby's Runabout but shorter, and a lower ceiling. Also, there's only (so far) 3 compartments - Pilot's, Main Chamber (probably full of K-Rations and sleeping bags), and Stuff. What goes in the Stuff area? Well, maybe some toilets, a sickbay, and storage for general supplies? I can make that section bigger is needed or maybe add toilets in parts of the Pilot's section. Oh, and any engines and fuel will all be on the outside. This thing is designed to to get you to the nearest rescue, not for for a pleasure jaunt to Urbania!

Also, I needed to create the basic outline of this and Dolby's Runabout because until I did, I couldn't accurately make landing bays for either at the Buggle-Praxis base.

And finally....

And finally....

Blue canary in the outlet by the light switch

Blue canary in the outlet by the light switch
Who watches over you
Make a little birdhouse in your soul

You friends the elements!

You friends the elements!

If only Primary School had been like this!

If only Primary School had been like this!

I love this online album, but it's an acquired taste.

I love this online album, but it's an acquired taste.

I'll miss this series. It was almost as good as the original, at least in its production values.

I'll miss this series. It was almost as good as the original, at least in its production values.

And finally...

And finally...

I was reading a trade paperback of STARWARS: LEGENDS (a now outdated expanded universe story, set 100 years after...

I was reading a trade paperback of STARWARS: LEGENDS (a now outdated expanded universe story, set 100 years after Luke Skywalker), and every page was a lot like this!

A classic Twilight Zone story. The full-length film version was rubbish.

A classic Twilight Zone story. The full-length film version was rubbish.

One of my favourite Stanislaw Lem stories.

One of my favourite Stanislaw Lem stories.

Today's been an "easy" day for me. :D

Today's been an "easy" day for me. :D

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Deborah Conway - It's Only the Beginning (official music video)

Paul Busch appeared in 34 episodes, mostly as a German soldier, and typically died each time.

Paul Busch appeared in 34 episodes, mostly as a German soldier, and typically died each time.

Apparently he played "Red Shirts" on STAR TREK as well!

More on those Wordless Novels.

More on those Wordless Novels.

There's a dynamic quality to Ward's work.

There's a dynamic quality to Ward's work.

Came across this while looking up Vic Morrow on the Wiki. Lynd also did

Came across this while looking up Vic Morrow on the Wiki. Lynd also did
Madman's Drum (1930)
Wild Pilgrimage (1932)
Prelude to a Million Years (1933)
Song Without Words (1936)
Vertigo (1937)

The Wordless Novels were a predecessor of Graphic Novels, only a) no speech balloons (obviously) and b) they were produced as ART books. This one was made using wood cuts!

Always wondered what happened to "the Lieutenant" from COMBAT!

Always wondered what happened to "the Lieutenant" from COMBAT! Seems like Mark Hamill he returned to a stage career, and voice acting.

And good heavens, an episode of COMBAT!

And good heavens, an episode of COMBAT! The thing I remember most -apart from Vic Morrow - was the opening and closing credit (and tune). Kids at my primary school would play "Combat", wher some defend a ditch from the advancing attackers. Endless arguments about who was shot or killed. :P

I've started rebuilding D'Olby's runabout.

I've started rebuilding D'Olby's runabout. Every prim I had was out of sync with evey other prim, by small fraction, which made it hard to align anything. So, I deleted all the walls but kept a single floor prim. I changed the measurements to what I was using as standard (.33m thick wall/floor, and .1.65m thickness for thin version) and build the rest of the runabout around that.

The runabout's built around a width of 8m and a height of 4m. This is terribly excessive but for a small luxury yacht it gives plenty of space. There's less space in the pilot's area and an engine section proper (not the engine control room) was added to the back. The fron looks a lot better with a semicircular shape, and both the roof and floors are tapered to give it a vaguely streamlined look.

I'm aiming for a 60s look in the living area. It has space for four passengers, with beds, seats and lockers. I removed the galley section because I may have found a 3D model which would be so much better. Just before finishing for the section I divided the Engine control room into two, with the smaller section being for a shower/toilet/sink area. Chemical toilets would make sense, otherwise just dump it below while traveling in the VOID (which is assumed to have an endless sea at the bottom of it)!

Dolby's supposed to living in this, so expect clutter everywhere and some form of noise music maker in there as well.

I've watched fanmade STAR TREK episodes before, but didn't know there was a fan made DANGERMAN episode.

I've watched fanmade STAR TREK episodes before, but didn't know there was a fan made DANGERMAN episode. It sounds right.

A Fansite for Dangerman.

A Fansite for Dangerman.

DANGERMAN, seasons 1 to 4, almost all of that, to watch!

DANGERMAN, seasons 1 to 4, almost all of that, to watch! If you thought that James Bond was tough, you wait until you see John Drake in action!

Best + cover + version + ever.

Best + cover + version + ever.

The video makes more sense than the original version.

The video makes more sense than the original version.

I grew up with the Soft Cell cover version, often played at the roller rink.

I grew up with the Soft Cell cover version, often played at the roller rink.

Cover Me: 20 Famous Songs You Had No Idea Were Covers

Oooh, listen to that guitar!

Oooh, listen to that guitar!

Gravel voice demon singer strikes again.

Gravel voice demon singer strikes again.

Michael Jackson - Billie Jean (Cover) by Daniela Andrade

Not bad.

Not bad.

5,813,938 views views, huh?

5,813,938 views views, huh?

And I try, and I try!

And I try, and I try!

The Lime Spiders classic Weirdo Libido was the first video ever played on ABC TV's Rage program.

The Lime Spiders classic Weirdo Libido was the first video ever played on ABC TV's Rage program. The single spent a number of weeks in the Australian Top 50 charts with it's success assisted by the inclusion on the Young Einstein movie soundtrack.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

I just watched eps 1-3 of the 3rd season. "CALL HELP"

I just watched eps 1-3 of the 3rd season. "CALL HELP"
I can see I'm going to enjoy the rest of it. :D

Arcade Fire - Everything Now (Official Video)

New Politics - Everywhere I Go (Kings and Queens) [Official Video]

"You're one of US, now... ....Bwa ha ha ha ha!"

"You're one of US, now... ....Bwa ha ha ha ha!"

Did a bit more after watering the back yard.

Did a bit more after watering the back yard. The University hanger becomes the uni labs now. I added extra level for no good reason, and a landing bay for D'Olby's runabout next to it. And then I started work on the runabout itself. It's meant to be a lifeboat converted into a small yacht, and has a pilot's section, passenger section (with bunks, table and chairs, storage containers, galley, and toilet), and engine room. Conspicuously absent from the engine room is an engine. That'll be another day.

Monday, September 25, 2017

Of course historically, New Zealand was well known for it's martial prowess.

Of course historically, New Zealand was well known for it's martial prowess. It's only in recent times that the kiwis have become more peaceful. ツ

The building proceeds.

The building proceeds.

Had the ridiculous idea of adding a hanger for university vehicles underneath the study centre. It looks OK, and the only way it would work is for lighter than air craft. I could put a bit of a runway there, but I might instead re-purpose it as a university storage area. After all Praxis U has the technology to send folk via transmat, so why bother with vehicles.

Made some changes to the docking bay. The large dock has been moved to the upper level, and the two smaller docks to the lower. Also, exit doors and bays have been added for lifeboats, just in case, and I'm not misprision this the base is attacked and destroyed by either the Tiliaceae or maybe the Moreau Twins (though they'd be more likely to take out the Buggle main base). In any case, Praxis OH&S boffins put the veto on funding unless there were lifeboats. Speaking of which, D'Olby's lifeboat/skip (which he lives in) will be relocated around next to the learning centre. Just wait ntil he starts playing his music late at night!

I watched the first episodes of both LUKE CAGE and IRON FIST last night.

I watched the first episodes of both LUKE CAGE and IRON FIST last night. I found it hard to get into LUKE CAGE, perhaps because of the setting which for me harked back to the Blacksploitation films of the 70s - remember I live in Australia so this isn't something I see a lot. Nonetheless I thought the final scene was really well done, and I really like the the title character and was really pleased to have seen him in JESSICA JONES last year.

What I really loved was IRON FIST. Was a huge Kung Fu fan back in the 70s, and for me this is more of the same. The stunts, and the wu shu / kung fu stuff are really excellent. In the comics Danny and Luke partnered up for a long time, and I know they team up on screen in the Defenders with Jessica and Matt (and I bet they all know Matt is really DD) but I'll watch that after these series.

Bottom line is that both of these have a key element that I found in both Jessica Jones and Daredevil - they're both character driven and there's a season long arc (I'm guessing) which isn't put on a plate whole for digestion. Best seen a bit at a time. :D

Illustrator uses the 3 D-tricks that literally animate his drawings

Originally shared by Rob Jongschaap

Ronald McDonald was one of the influences for Pennywise.

Ronald McDonald was one of the influences for Pennywise.

Really? Do tell!

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Wow - I wanna see this!

Wow - I wanna see this!

Look how young he looked back then.

Look how young he looked back then.
#australia #music #1982

Dat do doo da dit, da do da...

Dat do doo da dit, da do da...

Oh Mom, I wonder when I'll be waking

Oh Mom, I wonder when I'll be waking
It's just that there's so much to do
And I'm tired of sleeping

Shared this more than once... :D

Shared this more than once... :D

You should decide what you want to believe in
How can I describe what I'm receiving
It's like the marquee says, "One Night At The Stage"
You want to live forever but you don't want to age

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Take your finger or move with your phone to look around

Take your finger or move with your phone to look around

Ha ha ha ha - a great rant about character cliches.

Ha ha ha ha - a great rant about character cliches.

I'd forgotten about this site.

I'd forgotten about this site. I found it in my bookmarks looking for something else. Meant for Second Life but still of interest.

As heard on Double J. Love it!

As heard on Double J. Love it!

Love these! :D

Love these! :D

Originally shared by Aymii keegan

naughty Wabbits

As just heard on DOUBLE J!!

As just heard on DOUBLE J!!

I finally got through reading this.

I finally got through reading this. Twice before I'd borrowed it from the library and twice before I hadn't got to reading it. Physically it's a large hardback graphic novel, and the subject matter is the stuff of Steinbeck and Fitzgerald.

But the artwork and story are both engaging and I could easily see this made into a film.

Frankly, the original AVATAR is the only 3D film I've seen where it's diminished by not being in 3D.

Frankly, the original AVATAR is the only 3D film I've seen where it's diminished by not being in 3D. The sequels may be impressive but we all know they'll be superfluous.

Is that even possible any more?

Is that even possible any more?

I was just watching this on 7FLIX, and was surprised when Hall & Oats turned up in the end!

I was just watching this on 7FLIX, and was surprised when Hall & Oats turned up in the end!

My money's on the Lawnmower bloke.

My money's on the Lawnmower bloke.

Friday, September 22, 2017

HIM - Rip out the Wings of a Butterfly official music video - HD

And I found this while looking for DEAD ALIVE (which was called BRAIN DEAD in NZ and Aus). WTF?!

And I found this while looking for DEAD ALIVE (which was called BRAIN DEAD in NZ and Aus). WTF?!

Bwa ha ha ha ha - the classic Peter Jackson horror flick, ALL of it!

Bwa ha ha ha ha - the classic Peter Jackson horror flick, ALL of it!

These are all interesting reasons.

These are all interesting reasons. It maybe that film based (rather than straight digital) movies might be a bit like Vinyl records - something that persist despite economics.

Originally shared by From Digital To Film

Hey film photographers!
Check out my blog, I shared the 10 reasons that made me shoot film. 😊
What got you into it?

Upcoming steampunk comic book with an interesting premise of woman inventor on the run due to her "flying machine".

Originally shared by John McGuire

Upcoming steampunk comic book with an interesting premise of woman inventor on the run due to her "flying machine".

Starlord would be into this.

Starlord would be into this.



My how they strayed.

My how they strayed.

I am falling down the stairs

I am falling down the stairs
I am skipping on the sidewalk
I am thrown against the sky

I am raining down in pieces
I am scattering like light
Scattering like light
Scattering like light

Not surprising.

Not surprising.

I really got into Season 1, and season 2 should be full of confusion, coverups and resolution.

I really got into Season 1, and season 2 should be full of confusion, coverups and resolution.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

I was looking a for a 3D model of some lockers and found a free set at...

I was looking a for a 3D model of some lockers and found a free set at, but I was curious about the game it's supposed to be played with. Huh?!!!

And then you read...

And then you read...

Titan Vanguard is AVAILABLE NOW for selected military and commercial projects and is already used in several military organizations and simulators, training soldiers daily. Titan is not currently available to home users or for entertainment purposes. disappointing.

I watched the video for this. Seems a great way to make smooth roads and trails.

I watched the video for this. Seems a great way to make smooth roads and trails.

Get more bang for your buck?

Get more bang for your buck? This looks like an interesting tool. If I read the page correctly I thing you can port over to Kitely, buy it, and bring it back in your suitcase.

For the well groomed.

For the well groomed.

Thw whole thing.

Thw whole thing.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Welcome to the Starship Schematics Database.

Welcome to the Starship Schematics Database. It's dedicated to the sole purpose of archiving every single starship design ever conceived in the Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica, Babylon 5, and Space Battleship Yamato (A.K.A. Star Blazers in the USA) Universes, both official and unofficial, interesting and mediocre.

!!! Mind you, the schematics vary in quality and detail.





Originally shared by Jason Wiley

Our Man Bashir

"I thought you said the Goonies were right behind us?!"

"I thought you said the Goonies were right behind us?!"

Is there something like a "rule 43" - see - for spin-offs,...

Is there something like a "rule 43" - see - for spin-offs, sequels and remakes? And, um, she won't look like this in the new film.

Lettering Roundtable: Thinking About Thought Balloons, and Other Abandoned Storytelling Techniques

I'm looking forward to this.

I'm looking forward to this.

Originally shared by Dave Hill

"Watchmen" is coming back as an HBO series

That's just crazy enough that it might work.

I'm actually pretty fond of the Zack Snyder movie adaptation in a number of ways, from its efforts to capture the actual artwork in cinematic form, to its' high production values. But it's also got some limitations due to the short run time. An HBO series could actually engage with the material more deeply (though I can do without the pirate ship adventures), pull in some of the backstory that was elided, and allow speculation as to whether the movie or the book's "fiendish plot" climax is used (or a different idea altogether).

One thing we can be sure of: Alan Moore will hate it.

So, I saw IT today.

So, I saw IT today. I hadn't been planning to, but I needed something are a restless night of sleep study. I had in fact planned to avoid it.

As it happened, the Reading Cinema at Charlestown had a session on 15 minutes after I dropped the sleep gear off, so on a whim I I went to that. But it didn't start right. The lights went down and they started showing adverts and trailers, only THERE WAS NO IMAGE ON THE CINEMA SCREEN!

I shouted out "TURN THE PICTURE ON" but there was no response. Finally when they started to "show" a trailer for the latest version of "Murder on the Orient Express" (Depp as Poirot?!) I stormed out with my stuff, stomped to the box off ice and shouted "THERE'S NO IMAGE ON THE SCREEN FOR CINEMA 3, JUST SOUND!". The cashier said to go back in and it'd be fixed. I did, and it was, before the film started. For a while that distracted my watching the film, until a certain famous scene - surprisingly at the START of the film - happened, and then I was totally sucked into the Stephen King story for the duration.

Haven't read the book it's based on, or seen the previous version, but it reminded me a LOT of "Needful Things" which I've also seen - small town suffers at the hands of an unknown but seemingly unstoppable force - and I've liked both films. There was a lot of "double shock" setups in the film, but the scariness and tension was excellent, and the story was consistent (with ONE exception). Glad I saw it. Scared the shit out of me.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

TrueCombat is a FREE tactical-teamplay oriented, modern-world combat simulation first person shooter (FPS)...

TrueCombat is a FREE tactical-teamplay oriented, modern-world combat simulation first person shooter (FPS) modification for the Quake III, Enemy Territory and Call of Duty 4 engines.

I'm much more into racing and puzzle games than I am in First Person Shooter games. I'm mostly hopeless at racing, but enjoy the experience. Anyway here's another free online game you can download and play. Mostly it seems "Red vs Blue" stuff, so you can get your jollies by shooting your friends. Just make sure there's a lot of them.

The 1st Doctor returns, this Christmas! We can't wait!

Originally shared by Doctor Who Today

The 1st Doctor returns, this Christmas! We can't wait!


Monday, September 18, 2017

I finished the initial build of the Buggle-Praxis Base.

I finished the initial build of the Buggle-Praxis Base. Very few doors or texture as yet, and the Docking pad are likely to be rethought. The main purpose of this is as an adaptation of the equivalent I had in Second Life

The Study Section/Centre is 1/2 office space for anthropologists and half meeting space. They'all attached to Praxis U and use this base as a starting point for expeditions. Their dorms and rooms are separate to the warehouse crew who labour on the other side, but they all eat in the kitchen/cafeteria area. A number of rooms were created to even out the shape of the hull, but I'll find stuff to go in there at some point.

Mel 9001 the intelligent computer that seemed to appear out of nowhere, is downstairs somewhere, as is a power plant, laundry ans sewage/recycling stuff (eventually).

There are two heights of room height - 4 metres for staff areas, and 5 metres for warehouse ops. Got to have spe for forklifts. The SL version was terrible more cramped with a central passage in the middle of the cafeteria needed for cartage/forklifts. None of that here - it's violate OH&S! The ramps are retained from the original concept but are used for crew access only. In the old version ramps ent down to to Docking Centre and up to the top landing pad, but if you really were trading stuff in a floating warehouse, you'd want things as flat as possible!

Nerdy Relationships: Movies VS Real Life

The Importance of Wonder Woman

Hmm,, they do look a bit similar.

Hmm,, they do look a bit similar.

Am watching the recording I made of this from 7FLIX.

Am watching the recording I made of this from 7FLIX. I avoided it at the cinemas when it was first released, and watching it now, well, hmmm. I'm not sure I agree with how they've divided the emotions up. Sadness seems to be getting a bum rap and where's "Curiosity", and if she does meditation should a little Buddha character appear?

It also seems that the animators may be pinched from a pitch someone who created "The Moodsters". The Disney's were at it again, sigh.

Sunday, September 17, 2017

And finally...

And finally...

But, it never now, because the now becomes the end as the tran passes a crossing and leaves the town behind.

But, it never now, because the now becomes the end as the tran passes a crossing and leaves the town behind.

Watch out for those men in black.

Watch out for those men in black.

Ah, Tame Impala. Like Interpol they have videos that warp the songs. :D

Ah, Tame Impala. Like Interpol they have videos that warp the songs. :D

I miss Chrissie.

I miss Chrissie. She always had a video presence where although she looked hard as nails, you just knew she was vulnerable.

I've never seen this version before.

I've never seen this version before. Whenever I saw a video of the song, it was them rotating around on a minimalist set. This is much better!

I downloaded a few free textures and 3D models yesterday, and it occurred to me that I have what I've downloaded...

I downloaded a few free textures and 3D models yesterday, and it occurred to me that I have what I've downloaded very poorly organised.

The advantage of free stuff is it may be exactly what you want (and indeed I found the perfect wind turbine for the Alpha base) or at the very least it will save you time or $$$. But the flip side is that there are all kinds of free nowadays, and free stuff often has specific licenses, and having a large pool of free stuff not sorted by license is asking for trouble, percause you might violate the terms of the license without knowing it.

So, what I'm doing is creating a new directory structure with the top levels based on license. If I export this into Seconds, I'll add the name of the main directory they're under to the end of the name. Then, if I do use the mesh or specific textures in a comic scene, I know if I need to attribute those on the page that scene appears on. Previously at the end of a chapter I'd credit props I'd bought, and sims I'd used in SL. This is a continuation of that policy.

And why's that important? Because all this stuff is someone's visual creativeness, they put effort into what I'm using, and if they want attribution that's a fair thing to do. A good artist may "steal" from others, in that they'll redo an idea previously done, but stealing stuff from others means you're a fraud.

I've read 7 of these 10 books, seen at least three films based on his work, and wish they'd adpt more of them as...

I've read 7 of these 10 books, seen at least three films based on his work, and wish they'd adpt more of them as films.

It has been today.

It has been today.

Originally shared by Ian FS

Neptunian Museum by CTNeptune

Saturday, September 16, 2017

I've been prunning Master Builder's Inventory just now.

I've been prunning Master Builder's Inventory just now. When I exported the old version (which I'd built in) and re-imported them, everything that existed in both got duplicated, so I've been bringing that down to size. In the process I found stuff I'd forgotten I'd found, like Alley's Robots and various professional women AVs.

Shown in the images is the Kitchen area, the social hub of the base, the twow warehouse sections underneath that, a professional woman boissing some static bots around. They seem to be ignoring her anyway.

Luvely stuff using MyPaint.

Luvely stuff using MyPaint.

A much longer version of a GIF I've seen recently.It really does confirm they're playing, rather than fighting.

A much longer version of a GIF I've seen recently.It really does confirm they're playing, rather than fighting.

Highly impressive, if scratch built!

Highly impressive, if scratch built!

Originally shared by Edward c

Brilliant full scale model of a tie fighter

Strewth, you can still watch the 1925 version!

Strewth, you can still watch the 1925 version!

I just watched this version of the story.

I just watched this version of the story. I thought the attention to detail in the film was quite good, but I can see why it bombed. Anyone who went to see this in the cinema was most likely expecting a remake of the 1959 film with bigger and better action sequences and newer stars.

What you get is a rewrite based on the book, where things are subtly different. I liked that however, and also the lack of over-acting in it.

The Gunhilde Maersk - 4K Time Lapse by Toby Smith

I watched the original again after 4 years.

I watched the original again after 4 years. It holds up well for a film made on a budget of $20,000 in under a month. There was mention that they'd make a sequel and it looks like they have.

Friday, September 15, 2017

Check out @ABC’s Tweet:

Originally shared by Ginger Gunter

Check out @ABC’s Tweet:

Mind reading the script writer and director's intent.

Mind reading the script writer and director's intent.

A cameo for the sake of a cameo? I love how Gordon looks at his watch!

A cameo for the sake of a cameo? I love how Gordon looks at his watch!

I wonder if Chet will turn up in season 3?

I wonder if Chet will turn up in season 3?

When I saw this film on DVD some years ago, it was terribly confronting.

When I saw this film on DVD some years ago, it was terribly confronting. The DVD version had a set of extras where you could follow certain characters chronologically through the film, and that was just as shocking.

Honestly, this video isn't about how different these people are now, but how they don't match up to popular...

Honestly, this video isn't about how different these people are now, but how they don't match up to popular expectations.

30 Extraordinary Photos That'll Leave You Stunned

Well I saw FIRE COME WALK WITH ME again, after 20+ years.

Well I saw FIRE COME WALK WITH ME again, after 20+ years. While more understandable after watching seasons 1 & 2 of TWIN PEAKS (1 episode a day), I found the film quite jarring tonally. The opening scenes just seemed to have a raw unprocessed look, whereas the Twin Peaks scenes seem very slick but compressed. Both of those contrast sharply with the "soap opera production values" of the TV series. It just didn't match.

But maybe that's the difference between TV and Film? Perhaps. Now to track down season 3.



When A Name Brand Just Won’t Do: Hollywood’s Best Fake Products

I've long admired Shultz's ability to have created and continued Peanuts up until his death.

I've long admired Shultz's ability to have created and continued Peanuts up until his death.



Originally shared by Wolfie Rankin

You Fill Up My Senses

You Fill Up My Senses,
Like A Gallon Of Magnet,
Like A Packet Of Woodbines,
Like A Good Pinch Of Snuff,
Like A Night Out In Sheffield,
Like A Greasy Chip Butty,
Like Sheffield United,
Come Fill Me Again
Na Na Na Na Na...OOOOHH!

This speaks volumes about Soccer fans! ;)

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Started rebuilding the Buggle-Praxis base, which in storyline terms was going to be rebuilt anyway.

Started rebuilding the Buggle-Praxis base, which in storyline terms was going to be rebuilt anyway. Essentially this is a split purpose base. BThe Buggles use it for trading, and Praxis U for research. No textures yet, just structure.

I finished watching the original twin peaks last night.

I finished watching the original twin peaks last night. I had some surprises. The only other I'd watched it was when it was first broadcast. And that was an incomplete viewing as sometimes we forgot, and sometimes sport bumped it. Watching an episode each day however is a far better experience.

So I was surprised how little David Duchovny was in it, and how much the Major was. Fun to watch though because it's infused with comedy, and of course I already knew the finale. Enjoyable all the same. Now to watch the prequel film, and much later to track down season 3. Curious enough Laura Palmer tells Cooper that she'll see him in 25 years. The film was released in '92 and season three is showing in 2017 - 25 years later! Hmmm.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

It's Kaneva, but not as we used to know it!

It's Kaneva, but not as we used to know it!

Helps you set up sitting positions for AVs, I think.

Helps you set up sitting positions for AVs, I think.


One thing I learned yesterday was that the items listed in the inventory aren't the actual items themselves, but shortcuts to entries in the simulator's databases. That's why you can several copies of a texture, each with a different name (or, as I found out, the same name) all pointing to something like 01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef. My aim yesterday was to eliminate all the copies and give what's left meaningful names. The SL Cache viewer (see, thanks Garry) might help in that.

It got me thinking as to how I've set up my viewers. I reviewed all of those a few months back and uninstalled all of them, and then downloaded and installed fresh copies. I divided the viewers into two groups - for use in Second Life only, and viewers that can be used with the Hypergrid - that is, support adding and using grids other than just SL. The split is:

Second Life: Black Dragon, Catzip, Kokua (SL version), UKando, and of course the Linden Labs viewer.
Open Simulator: Firestorm, CoolVL, Singularity, Alchemy, Kokua (OS version), and the Metropolis dedicated viewer.

I've pointed the viewer caches to discrete folders rather than the default, like E:/Applications(Resources)/SL-Viewers/Catzip. That makes them easy to find (instead of something like C:user/Laura/Apps/Roaming/OntheGlomin/Catzip! But also in the past it made good sense for when I was doing shoots in SL. I have 5 Alts there, and the AV doing the snapshots would use a viewer set to a decent graphics level, whereas the other alts would use a different viewer with the graphics settings set low. That way I'd minimise bandwidth with 5 AVs online at once. Due to the limitations of my PCs, I can practically have two AVs logged on a single PC at once. Shooting a scene with all 5 (as per the image below) would involve going between 3 PCs in different rooms of the house (or sometimes I'd move one PC to be next to another PC, and save myself some running around).

Now I have 5 AVs on the Hypergrid (1 per grid I'm a member of) and theoretically I could do the same technique by sending them all to the same grid, but that's terribly wasteful of bandwidth and just as awkward to coordinate. Better to either get other folk to help me do shoots, or to do the shoots on a local grid using one (or two) AVs and lots of NPCs, who can be dressed and posed as I want.

So, when I set up the OS viewers, I made sure that CoolVL, Singularity Alchemy, and Kokua (the logical choice for a low graphics use) could also be used for my local grids. If the NPC option was too complex, or not not yet set up properly (more likely) I could still use the old technique to do shoots for the comic. I could add any number of Alt AVs to a local grid, and just log in the "actor" I needed for the shoot. Of course that also requires being able to use the local grid across the home network. The Diva Wifi mod did that, and I was hoping that setting up Hypergrid access to and from the local grid would as well. But that's a bit down the track I think.

Below: result of a photoshoot using 4 AVs

Thanks to Garry Beaumont, I just found out about this.

Thanks to Garry Beaumont, I just found out about this. Works with SL viewers, so it should work with the ones you use for the Hypergrid.

Didn't do a lot of building today - only added some lockups on the lower level.

Didn't do a lot of building today - only added some lockups on the lower level. However, I started sorting through Master Builder's inventory. It was filled with lots of duplicates, triplicates and worse, and lots of textures identified by names like a1458b-456ce-flick1-4gh6me-d2e7e0d-12m4sf! So I've been going through the inventory dleting multiples and renaming UUID names to something more meaningful.

Cutting down the UUID names to size was easier than expected, once I sorted them all by name and just looked at t5he last 2-3 digits as I scrolled down. But renaming them? My workaround was creating a large cube and then changing it to sculptie. Once that's done I just drop the unknown textures into the sculptie text field. If it's a sculptie, the prim will look like something (maybe), and if not it'll show me an image of what the texture is.

But, it's l-o-n-g procedure.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

This, was EXTREMELY DIFFICULT to find!!!

This, was EXTREMELY DIFFICULT to find!!!

On a trope.

On a trope.



Even more!

Even more!

Went to this last night.

Went to this last night.

I did some more building on the Alpha Base yesterday.

I did some more building on the Alpha Base yesterday. This seemed to go very quickly because I already knew what I wanted, as I'd built it before. But things are different as well. I moved specialist locks to the upper warehouse level. Makes better sense because the lower level has a gantry crane (for very heavy items) and those got in the way. The levels now have colour coded treadplate: green = upper warehouse; blue = lower warehouse, and red for mezzanine level.

I also started working Neeta's Scaffolding Skip. Neeta's the mechanic and also uses the skip to do outside repairs. On a floating warehouse you'd need a floating platform to do that, otherwise you have to put people over the side like window washers, or some complex type of scaffolding. In the old version this used to hang underneath the square helipad, but iot'd make better sense to park it near the garage.

In the images, anything listed in white is either off-screen or yet to be built.

Monday, September 11, 2017

Cartoons about Facebook & Social Media.

Cartoons about Facebook & Social Media.

I like Leveller.

I like Leveller. It's at the right degree of hand crafting of terrain for me, but I can also draw terrain with broad strokes using shapes.

Originally shared by Laura Ess

I wrote this (the first of 5 tutorials) after I discovered Leveller, a commercial heightfield editor which can import and export many formats, including real world data. After discussions with the developer, he even created an automated import/export options for Opensim using .ter (terragen) format.

Other Tutorials in this series:
Exporting from Leveller to Opensim
Making terrains using shapes in Leveller
Importing real life geography into Leveller

Repeats starting with Episode 1 on 17 Sep 2017, 6:01pm!

Repeats starting with Episode 1 on 17 Sep 2017, 6:01pm!
#australia #mollymeldrum #countdown

SEason 2 starts on Thursday.

SEason 2 starts on Thursday.

Mrs Peel, we’re needed: “The Avengers” comic strips collected at last

The Greatest American Hero Is Coming Back With An Indian-American Heroine

Sunday, September 10, 2017

I started work on the Alpha Base this morning.

I started work on the Alpha Base this morning. This is the oldest complete build that I made in in Second Life for the comic. I was able to export Linksets from there, but it was built in a hurry with lots of fudges. and many textures couldn't be exported. So rebuilding it from scratch seemed like a good idea.

Like the Beta Base the floor heights are built around the height of a flight of stairs. The warehouse section has two double height areas, whereas the other end has a triple height garage/workshop, a crew level above it, and series of "service rooms" underneath it. On top is a large runway. A major change has been moving the goods lift-well out from the main superstructure - the previous version had that inset from the edge and caused constant problems.

Below you can see a landing set at the service room level. It also has an electrical room outside (lots of service cables and pipes will run on the outside as well). The landing is used for small deliveries. and quiet arrivals. To the upper right of the landing is the garage/workshop which is Neeta's domain. Because the service room and landing were moved, the moat like doorway was moved to the rear of the structure, which makes more sense anyway. Ships in need of repair (and extra large deliveries ) get sent through that door, as it's flush to the lower warehouse level. OK, the door's not terribly practical, but I WANTED IT!

In the background you can see a reconstructed original version, which is and will be salvaged for bit that I'd rather reuse (like scripted doors) than rebuild. You can see a bit of the interior of the old garage, and also a viewing platform which is part of the kitchen/cafeteria section.

I volunteer! Er, I volunteer Rory, that is.

I volunteer! Er, I volunteer Rory, that is.

Originally shared by Valentina C

Star Trek: Orville???

Originally shared by Luis Angel Rosario

Star Trek: Orville???


Starfleet Medical

Crowded House - Don't Dream It's Over (Live At Sydney Opera House)
This was a strangely bad film.

Saturday, September 09, 2017

From the last century.

From the last century.



Always wondered...

Always wondered...

Last year's anniversary gig.

Last year's anniversary gig.

Watch 4 Groundbreaking Surrealist Films From the 1920s : Man Ray and the "Cinéma Pur"

Originally shared by Open Culture

Watch 4 Groundbreaking Surrealist Films From the 1920s : Man Ray and the "Cinéma Pur"

A second review with a very similar opinion as the other one, but with more detail on why.

A second review with a very similar opinion as the other one, but with more detail on why.

Originally shared by Michael Vegas

Updated the textures, and added scripts to the runway extensions this afternoon. Getting there..

Updated the textures, and added scripts to the runway extensions this afternoon. Getting there..

Friday, September 08, 2017

Moby - Lean on Me

Spent the morning making a new "Sky Pirate Base".

Spent the morning making a new "Sky Pirate Base". The idea is that this is a hidden base disguised as a floating island (every bit of land floats in the Void) and listed with "authorities" as a memorial. There's a fake memorial on top, and attempts to disguise the entrances to the base. It has three levels Crew, Ops, and Storage, all carved into the hollows of the island.

No fittings or anything inside other than the floor/ceilings as yet. It's merely a "proof of concept" so far, based on the idea of building walls of spherical prims around mostly oval bases.

Frankly, MacFarlane is way out of his depth here, not only as a dramatic writer, but also as an actor.

Frankly, MacFarlane is way out of his depth here, not only as a dramatic writer, but also as an actor. After making a career as an irreverent smart-ass, it’s near impossible to take him seriously as a dramatic leading man.

Of course this review is one person's opinion, but it doesn't surprise me. I'll still want to to watch the first episode, if only to confirm it.

Expertly illustrated by the Crumb.

Expertly illustrated by the Crumb.

Thursday, September 07, 2017

I am a big fan of Octobriana, who became a "public domain" character by a strange and twisted means.

I am a big fan of Octobriana, who became a "public domain" character by a strange and twisted means. In effect she was a character invented by a theif to cover up a steal of a character called "Amazonia" who was created in teh Eastern Block during the Cold War. In the story she rents a flat from her sister Amazonia, who is a twin other than her hair colour. Octobriana is current missing, her fate unknown.

Most of the other characters shown here were created in advance for the next story, which would have featured D'Olby's return into custody. Gunhead was beaten in a fight with Octobriana, and "Evil Boss Grey" is what Grey became after he mutated.


The JUPITER 8! #Fandom