
11thdoctor 15wordsaday 2000ad 3danimation 3rdrockgrid 3RG 50s 60s 70s 80s 80smusic 9thdoctor aacmecity AbneyPark ACDC addiction adventure AFrame AfterEverythingNowThis aha airglow AlanParsons alanparsonsproject aldi alien aliens allysloper AlyCook Ambient ambientmusic americanaphoto Amiga amvideo AnakinSkywalker anamorphic Android androidauto Andromeda Angel animatedfilm animatedmovies animatedshort animatedshortfilm animation anime annielennox anya Apocryphal Tales ApocryphalTales architecture architecturephotography ArethaFranklin art artchie Artemis81 artwork Arty Crafty Clever Stuff ArtyCraftyCleverStuff asimov AssassinationClassroom asseenoncountdown AsSeenonRage attackontitan ausmusic aussie Australia Australian australiancomics australianhistory australianmusic australiantv AustraliaOnly autos b3d B52s babylonzoo banksy barnstorm Batman baxendale beavisandbutthead berserk beserk Bewitched bigbend birthday blackcab blakes7 blender blueoystercult boadgames boardgames BoardsofCanada BobaFett bobcalvert Bowie BrinaEno Browser BSD BTPOtherPro buffy buildings buildingtools byideal C4D canada captainscarlett cars castle cat catandgirl cgshorts Chaosium charliehebdo chess chillout chistopherpriest christmas christophegoze chumbawumba cityscapephotography clara claraoswinoswald classroom clipstudiopaint coding coil Comedy comic Comic Narratives ComicNarrative comics computergames ConEmu Consoles ConspiracyTheory CophNia cosplay countdown Cover Covers coverversion CowboyBebp craftworld creativity Creepy crime cropcirlces crossover crossoverfanart crowdedhouse cthulhu CultFilm Curious Pasttimes CuriousPasttimes cybermen cycles dalek dandeacon daria DARIA darkhumour darkshadows DarkStar DarrylCunningham data DavidBowie DavidByrne dawnofthedead deadkennedys deadoralive depression detective detention deviantart devo dickdasterdly dickheads dipinti disability Disintegration DoctorHorrible doctorpuppet DoctorWho dogs Dolby donfearthereaper donhenley DontFeartheReaper dorothy DOS DoubleJ DreamGrid dreams DrFaustusAU drseuss drwho Dune easybeats ebola ebolaresponse eccomics edgarfroese edison editors Editors education elementary elves Emocore epilepsy equality Escher europeanunion Eurovision EveOnline everystar eyeinthesky Faanish Stuff FaanishStuff fairychess fanart Fandom fanguide Fantastic fantasy fantheory FarmingSimulator film filmnoir films finland firefly firekites Firestorm fisheye FitForRivals flash flashandthepan Folk folkmusic fortytwo FPS freedom froese fullemetalalchemist Fumetti funny futureimperfect futureiperfect gahanwilson game gameofgoose games Gamification gaming gangajang GaryNuman geekfactor GeorgeEllis georgeyoung gerryanderson Ghostintheshell ghostworld glinda globalpainter goth gotham graffiti graphicnovel gravity greatcanadiangrid greece Greenday greenghost gsotd gsotd2015 gsotd2017 Halloween Halloween2017 HappyNewYear Hawklords hawkwind Hawkwind Heaven17 HeavenSeventeen hedwig helsinkistreetart herbiehancock HeyHeyItsSaturday HGWells HiFidelity high history hobo holiday Holodeck horriblehistories Hottest100 howlingbells hqsplandscape huds HueytheMaltese HughLaurie HumanLeague humor humour hypergrid Immortal in indianburialground IndigoGirls InfiniteCanvas installation internet Interpol InWorldz inxs iPhone irwinallen ISeeTheWorldWithScience Issues ithinktoomuch iview Ivy JackHarkness JackieShane JamesBond January jargon Java jennyanywhere jennyeverwhere JennyEverywhere JennyEverywhere2018 JennyEverywhereDay jennyeverywhereday2018 jethrotull JimmyLittle johnlennon johnpaulyoung JohnSeverin judgedredd jughead kantner katebush kerbalspaceprogram kevcarmody kingdomhospital kirk knitting Krampus Krita KuboMovie kubrick lacunacoil ladytron language Laura Ess laurasannashewolf laurieanderson leonardnimoy leveleditor LGBT lgbtqi lindenscriptlanguage linerider linus linux Linux Live liveaction looneytunes LostWorlds LOTR loudlikelove lsl mabodecision MacOS MadScience magic magnacarta man manga manic maps marriage marriageequality MassiveAttck masters math maxq maze meaning medical Mesh metropolis MetropolisGrid michaelhutchence milkyway mirror MITLicense MoaningLisa mollymeldrum montypython montywedd MoodsOfMonday MoodyMonday MoodyMondayPhotography morlandholmes MothersDay motorific movies MrBerkley murals murdockmysteries music Música musical Musicals musicvideo muttley MyMoodyMonday mystery NameYourPrice nationalpark nedkelly Neeta neetathemechanic neilyoung neongenesisevangelion NeonHeights NetRadio newcastle NewCompanion News NewZealand NextGen nickcaveandthebadseeds nightscape nightsky nomanssky nostalgia nzmusic ObiWanKenobi Octobriana oldbuildings OpenSim opensimbuild opensimtutorials Opensimulator OpenSimulator & Hypergrid Stuff opensource Opensourcecharacter orlandoshooting OS2 overthemoon oz ozma paintings Pandora paperandpencil Paris Parody passionplay Pastiche patriarchy peanuts PearlMackie penelopepitstop people pertwee peteburns petergabriel phaistosdisc Photocomic pianomusic Pilot pirate pittura Placebo planet Podcast Podcasts Poe poetry Pop popuppaper portlandia preraffaelliti preraphaelians preraphaelites pride PriestEqualAura primus Prodigy production propaganda PS pseudoecho psychedelicfurs pumpkin pumpkins punk queer QueerComics quiz raamstein raamstien racinggame radiohead Rage RAGE railway rally RamaIV RandyNewman raymondreddington Redgum referrendum refugees relaxation REM renandstimpy rent representation research Rey RichardGreene riogrande Rip RobinHood robot Rock romanticism romanticismo romanticpaintings room327 RoryODonoghue rubik rubiks rubikstwist RussHeath sadheartshadow saleman sales samesex samyang sansar santa santaelenacanyon SBS SBSChill scarlettjohansson scfifi science ScienceSunday scifi scoobydoo scripts Scrivener seconddoctor secondlife Seconds Seconds Webcomic secondswebcomic SecondsWebcomic SeenonRAGE SeenOnRage senglestory sequentialart serenity servelan SethGlobalpainter sexandgender SF SgtRock shaggy Sherlock sherlockholmes shitpeoplesay shortanimatedfilm shortanimatedfilms shortanimatedmovie shortanimatedmovies shortfilms shortmovies sicksadworld silverage simulator siouxsieandthebanshees sistersofmercy slack slacktivity slenderman smashingpumpkins SMFY snakpuzzle Snoopy snowqueen snowyrange socialnetworking SomaFM songs sonya7s Sound and Vision SoundandMusic SoundandVision SoundAndVision space spectrumpursuitvehicle SPI spipublications spitenz splitenz spock Spoilers spyring stagecraft Starfleet StarFleet Starman StarryNights Starship startrek StarTrek starwars starwarstuesday steamboy Steampunk stopmotion Stories Stormtrooper strangeshit streetart streetphotography streetpics StreetView subgenius subhenius sunset supernatural SusanneVega svg sweeneytodd sysdneyoperahouse TameImpala tandy tangerinedream TARDIS tarot tdor TDOR2017 TED television terminology tessellationday texas texasnightsky TG thchurchband the The70s The80s The90s theblacklist thebyrds TheChurch TheChurchBand TheCityandtheCity TheCure thedamned thedoctor TheDoctors theflash TheForceAwakens thegreatpumpkin thejockstrapraiders TheLastJedi TheLoop TheMissionUK themokees themountaingoats TheNewRadicals TheOffspring theofshow theory TheSaints theshining TheSimpsons thesopranos thethe thewrights TheymightbeGiants thomasdolby timetunnel tism Tism TonnArt tonysoprano ToonArt toronto train trannie tranny trans transexual transgender transgenderdayofremembrance transsexual trek trekking trent TripleJ TrueCrime TS tshirt turisas tv TV tvseries tvshow twist ufo uhoh undeadmedia vangelis VFX Video mania videogame videogames Videomania VideoMania vikingmetal Virtual Destinations VirtualDestinations virtualworlds wackyraces waddingtons war Wargame WaroftheWorlds Webcomic webcomics weird Weirdness WesAnderson westernaustralia whedon Whovians wicked Wii wildernessphotographer willeisner windows Windows wizardofoz woolfson world WorldWonders wyoming xmas2014 yetinsyny zelazny zenpencils zombie zombieapocalypse zombies

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

...that makes videos.

...that makes videos.

Ephemera related to Stanley Kubrick's Masterpiece of Modern Horror, The Shining

Ephemera related to Stanley Kubrick's Masterpiece of Modern Horror, The Shining

There a LOT of this!!!!

Happy Halloween, Everybody! ;D*

Originally shared by Linda Smith

Happy Halloween, Everybody! ;D*

I swapped over to Octagonal floors.

I swapped over to Octagonal floors. Looks a lot neater. I also added a dedicated lift for this section - shown on two levels to the right of location sign. Otherwise they'd all be walking up and down stairs or ramps all day!

And I'm off to see The Son of Bigfoot for real today.

And I'm off to see The Son of Bigfoot for real today. It's the last day it's showing, and there's one session at 11:45am. This time around I have NO medical appointments before it to attend.

I bet I'm THE audience today - it's happened before!

cybaLOUNGE is a 3D virtual world running entirely in your browser.

cybaLOUNGE is a 3D virtual world running entirely in your browser.

Blanket Coverage #aliens #Halloween #thegreatpumpkin #peanuts #linus #pumpkin #pumpkins #ufo #comics #humor #funny...

Originally shared by Roger Phillips

Blanket Coverage #aliens #Halloween #thegreatpumpkin #peanuts #linus #pumpkin #pumpkins #ufo #comics #humor #funny #Halloween2017

Mind you, Thor got rid of his as well.

Mind you, Thor got rid of his as well.

How Wonder Woman Should Have Ended

In the afternoon I rebuilt the Praxis section.

In the afternoon I rebuilt the Praxis section. The original had floors and walls make of solid and hollow cylinders. That was OK, but hard to modify much. As an exercise I made hexagonal and octagonal walls, to fit on a still circular floor.

I discovered that these were easy to do. You create° a single dividing wall the diameter of the floor, then copy it in place, and rotate a suitable number of degrees (either 60° or 45°). Once you've done that you can easily add outer walls because the ends of each inner wall define their end points.

I went with the octagonal version, because it covered the largest area. The upper level is admin, with offices for the three departmental leaders (Sociology, Ecology, and Alterverse Physics), and the Campus head (who gets a bigger office and a bigger window). The double height middle section has 7 storage/examination areas for collections and samples. The sections could be mistaken for cells or pens. The bottom section is full of storage, life support, an independent power supply and various computing facilities.

These tests look a bit like lazy susans I guess.

This morning I added some sign and labels.

This morning I added some sign and labels. BIG LETTERS for incoming pilots to see. and some signs inside to tell folk where they are or might want to go.

Monday, October 30, 2017 also just doesn't make any sense. also just doesn't make any sense. And why should it ? About half the book consists of what characters think other characters are thinking - and what they think they're thinking isn't always what they're really thinking, I think. You can't really film that.

Ooh, the reviewer's READ THE BOOK!

The problem isn't that they got the science right, it's that they completely failed to explain what the hell is...

The problem isn't that they got the science right, it's that they completely failed to explain what the hell is going on to the audience.

That was never an issue for me. I researched it if I don't know it!

Where it exceeds BSG is as a science fiction show.

Where it exceeds BSG is as a science fiction show. That's because it's got actual fictional science in it. Like phasers and photon torpedoes and warp drives and holodecks.

An enjoyable comparison - but you'll need to read it to get why!


Originally shared by AffirmingToe



I've started watching BOSCH.

I've started watching BOSCH. I like the show, which seems a no-nonsense "Police Procedural". Very believable. It's funny because recently I watched a lot of comic super-hero based shows. And lately I've been watching more Crime based shows (though LUKE CAGE and IRON FIST fit snugly in both).

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Very tempted to see this after a couple of medical appointments today.

Very tempted to see this after a couple of medical appointments today. A Studio Canal production, so most likely European animation, like Snow Queen 3, which was Russian produced.

`They look so nice`

`They look so nice`

Apparently this was a protest song against 1981 being deemed the "Year of the Disabled"!

Apparently this was a protest song against 1981 being deemed the "Year of the Disabled"!

Always loved this song.

Always loved this song. The official video clip has someone being put in a rowboat and left to drift down a river to the sea.

Had to share this - they all look so young back then.

Had to share this - they all look so young back then.
#asseenoncountdown #countdown

As almost seen on CLASSIC COUNTDOWN.

As almost seen on CLASSIC COUNTDOWN. I couldn't find the clip for An unguarded moment, but this is from the same album and also on Countdown.

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Did a little building on the base.

Did a little building on the base. Added the radar tower (with Radome on top), and a few more stairs and railings. You have to climb up the stairs and go through a hatch to make adjustments or repairs. Tough.

Jack Kirby was always the best artist for Captain America.

Jack Kirby was always the best artist for Captain America.

I made a point of getting my housework done well before midday.

I made a point of getting my housework done well before midday. It's already 30℃ at 50% here. A good day to watch Marvel TV shows set in Harlem and New York.

We want to create a game with a vast world where you can build almost every type of vehicle and challenges that you...

We want to create a game with a vast world where you can build almost every type of vehicle and challenges that you can imagine for both yourself and other players as well.

This game is still in "Early Access", but they're having a 30% off sale on it. Tempted to buy this.




In the original story, it was the Good Witch of the North, called Locasta , who greets Dorothy after the death of the Witch of the East. Glinda only turns up at the end of the story. She ruled Quadling County to the South (full of Quadlings rather than Munchkins). In this particular film version of the story (not the first) they combined both characters, and skipped 1/4 to 1/3 of the book.

Anyway, in the second book "The Marvelous Land of Oz:" Glinda plays a bigger role, First helping transform the boy Tip back into a girl (after her transformation years before by the witch Mombi) and then making her the restored Monarch of Oz, the fairy princess Ozma! In the the 3rd book - Ozma of Oz - when Dorothy returns to Oz five years later (with Billina, a hen) most of Oz and surrounding countries like Ev, are in disarray and ruin. The villain in that story if the Nome King, who becomes a regular antagonist for some of the other sequels. The book involves the usual quest, wherein Dorothy and her entourage uncover the Nome King's plot, overthrow it and return Ozma and the Kingdom to it's previous state.

Anyway, if we look at the 1939 film in the context of the books it was based on, we can see that Glinda was playing a "long game" in a plot to restore the monarchy of Oz to the throne. The arrival of the "Wizard" had instigated the downfall of the monarchy in the first place, when the Wizard deposed him and he was banished from Oz and was working as a street car conductor in America. The only heir was Ozma who'd disappeared (as Mombi had turned into Tip and wiped his memory). Even if she found Ozma, she'd still have to content with both of the Wicked Witches (Glinda had deposed and killed the Wicked Witch of the South), and the Good Witch of the North was a pacifist. So getting Dorothy to come to Oz as her unwitting pawn, threw a wild card into the mix. So it's likely that Glinda steered the house on top of the Witch of the East, helped Dorothy "liquidate" the Witch of the West, and discredit and banish the Wizard later. But Glinda couldn't have Dorothy hanging around after all this, because the citizens of Oz would have been just as likely to install her as Princess!! So naturally she tells her about the shoes!

But - in the books at least - Glinda couldn't predict the return of Dorothy. Or, perhaps she did. Glinda and Ozma were entrapped ,and unable to use any powers , by the Nome King. Perhaps Glinda had a contingency spell that triggered if something like that happened, and Dorothy returning to Oz was the result.
#wizardofoz #oz #ozma #dorothy #glinda #fantheory #ithinktoomuch

Friday, October 27, 2017

No one got out alive (or unscathed, at least)!!!

No one got out alive (or unscathed, at least)!!!

BTS (방탄소년단) 'Not Today' Official MV

BTS (방탄소년단) 'DNA' Official MV

I came across the DVD of this in a discount shop for $2 and bought it out of hand.

I came across the DVD of this in a discount shop for $2 and bought it out of hand. I only just opened that and started watching this, and realised that I'd seen this in the cinema way back when. It's supposed to be TV film but a number of TV films from the USA turned in Australian cinemas back then.

It's a reasonable version of the story for a Hallmark production, and notable - for me - for having Michael J. Anderson (who played "the man from another place" in TWIN PEAKS) as "Sunday", and Clancy Brown as the "granter of wishes". Every time the granter of wishes would speak I'd hear Lex Luthor instead!! D'Oh! You can watch the whole thing on Youtube at

I was checking out a few old haunts via 3rd Rock to the Hypergrid, at...

I was checking out a few old haunts via 3rd Rock to the Hypergrid, at hop://

Attempting the Maze in Metropolis. In the background you can see a BIG roller coaster.

Attempting the Maze in Metropolis. In the background you can see a BIG roller coaster.

From in the Metropolis Grid.

From in the Metropolis Grid.

And only if you've watched this film (because the video's full of spoilers) this is a great video to watch.

And only if you've watched this film (because the video's full of spoilers) this is a great video to watch.

EXO 엑소 'Power' MV

I finally got around to watching this film yesterday.

I finally got around to watching this film yesterday. It wasn't the film I thought it was a few weeks back, it was much better. Has many features with GROUND HOG DAY (which is acknowledged towards the end of the film) and the fun in watching this film is in trying to detect who the killer is (many have motive), and how each iteration of Monday the 18th goes. This would have been a great film to watch on my birthday, which was the 18th as well!

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Disa a fun thing!

Disa a fun thing!

Originally shared by Laura Ess

Yesa, da gungan language bombad, no yousa agreen?

A book of Victorian hi-tech ghost conjuring which allows the reader to summon, as the sub-title proclaims, “ghosts...

A book of Victorian hi-tech ghost conjuring which allows the reader to summon, as the sub-title proclaims, “ghosts everywhere and of any colour”.

Looks like a "coloured-in book" to me. Woooooo-oooo-ooooo...

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

And finally...

And finally...

Been gone for over 14 years.

Been gone for over 14 years.


A Trilogy of Warren Zevon horror songs #3.

A Trilogy of Warren Zevon horror songs #3.
The reference to Patty Hearst is a bit dated now, but I can easy imagine a horror film based on this.

A Trilogy of Warren Zevon horror songs #2.

A Trilogy of Warren Zevon horror songs #2.
This song's never going to be PC, but that's not the point.

A Trilogy of Warren Zevon horror songs #1.

A Trilogy of Warren Zevon horror songs #1. For years I misheard a lyric and wondered who the "traitor Vic" was. Sort of like "the arch traitor Stanley Tweedle"?
ha ha ha

Nerds | Jhall Comics

So I joined an Orville community.

So I joined an Orville community. Unlike a number of others, I don't see an Orville / Discovery dichotomy, and can enjoy both shows on their own merits. So far it seems to be an image dump of Orville related stuff, but we'll see.

I'd always assumed that sticking body parts together to create a monster (or alien in SF) was using the least amount...

I'd always assumed that sticking body parts together to create a monster (or alien in SF) was using the least amount of one's imagination. See a bull, see a man, make a Minotaur. Likewise flying horses.

All done with sculptured models. Superb!

All done with sculptured models. Superb!

Stereoscopic adventures in Hell.

Stereoscopic adventures in Hell.



I discovered this in the Business (not the graphic novel) section of the Wallsend (NSW) library today.

I discovered this in the Business (not the graphic novel) section of the Wallsend (NSW) library today. I IMMEDIATELY BORROWED IT!!! I know Darryl from LiveJounal days, where I followed his feed (see

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Adam Ruins Everything - The Myth of Poison Halloween Candy | truTV

Friends Don't Let Friends Use Reactionless Drives In Their Universes.

Friends Don't Let Friends Use Reactionless Drives In Their Universes.

But there's just so many in fiction, and some "fictional" ones in real life. When I originally started the Future Imperfect webcomic I was going to use "reactionless engines", manufactured by the Imagineering Rocket Company, which would produce vectors of thrust in a never quite explained manner, but that was a matter of Applied Phlebotinum, see

I rethought that a couple of years ago. More fun to posit a realistic means of space travel, because it inherently creates plot issues for the main cast. They can't take impulsive actions - like Kirk in Star Trek - without consequences.

Rage Against The Machine - No Shelter

Monday, October 23, 2017

I watched a library DVD of this last night.

I watched a library DVD of this last night. I thought it was a good film, but what you get isn't what you expect from this trailer.

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Very much an anthem in its time.

Very much an anthem in its time.
#georgeyoung #thewrights

And this too.

And this too.
#georgeyoung #flashandthepan

You've probably heard the Grace Jones cover of this. Also written by George Young.

You've probably heard the Grace Jones cover of this. Also written by George Young.
#georgeyoung #flashandthepan

Written by George Young

Written by George Young
#georgeyoung #johnpaulyoung

#easybeats #georgeyoung

#easybeats #georgeyoung

Very thorough

Very thorough



And Double Cor!!!

And Double Cor!!!

So, did the makers of Discovery rip-off this game??!!

So, did the makers of Discovery rip-off this game??!!



Originally shared by The Doctor

Pen & Ink Depictions of Trees Sprouting into Animals by Alfred Basha | Things in Muesems or Things on the Street |...

Aja Kusick

Originally shared by Hek .....

Aja Kusick

Because, the director could!

Because, the director could!

This is actually interesting! I'd like to see Dau when it's released.

This is actually interesting! I'd like to see Dau when it's released.

Er, how could I have forgotten this from 1980?

Er, how could I have forgotten this from 1980? #1 for a while, but also voted 11th in Best NZ Song of All Time (see !!!
#1980 #countdown

And finally (for now), the Enz!

And finally (for now), the Enz!
#countdown #1980

In their heyday.

In their heyday.
#countdown #1980

Perth band - yayyy!!

Perth band - yayyy!!
#countdown #1980

As seen on Classic Countdown.

As seen on Classic Countdown.
#countdown #1980

Saturday, October 21, 2017

While I was waiting for the backups to finish - they take a l-o-n-g time to an external drive from a dodgy disk - I...

While I was waiting for the backups to finish - they take a l-o-n-g time to an external drive from a dodgy disk - I did some building. The building was done in Alchemy, which is nice to work with in several ways.

Nothing much, just a lot of tidying up, and replacing some railings around the landing pads. These are a mixture of simple cylinders for the main struts, and a simple repeating texture. It seemed to me that a repeating set of vertical shafts, with no top and bottom, would be perfect for stair cases. Seems to work, though I might need to clean that texture up at the top, with the remnants of a working horizontal bar (it didn't work) still shows.

I've been watching reruns of the TV series for the last year, on and off.

I've been watching reruns of the TV series for the last year, on and off. The problem with ALL the sequels (except the last one, which was a film to wrap up the TV series) was that the main storyline was RESOLVED in the 1st film.

I've been watching a bit of The Orville and character of Yaphit (shown below) bears a strong resemblance to Pigeon...

I've been watching a bit of The Orville and character of Yaphit (shown below) bears a strong resemblance to Pigeon from Mike Tyson Mysteries. They both act as non-human counterpoints to the other characters, make flippant nonPC remarks and comments about people and situations, and are voiced by Norman Gene Macdonald (see

There's something weirdly hypnotic about this show.

There's something weirdly hypnotic about this show. I guess it's different from repo for cars because the viewers are unlikely to be sympathetic to the mugs who get their planes repossessed.

Of course sometimes real life imitates games!

Of course sometimes real life imitates games!

They begged them not to put the highway through the wind farm!

They begged them not to put the highway through the wind farm!

he he he he

he he he he

Originally shared by hegurgurk

Friday, October 20, 2017

Dr. Girlfriend: I gotta ask this, is there a reason you always use 21 and 24?

Dr. Girlfriend: I gotta ask this, is there a reason you always use 21 and 24?
The Monarch: I know it sounds crazy, but they both have that rare blend of "expendable" and "invulnerable" that makes for a perfect henchman.
— The Venture Bros.*

I saw the 1st episodes of both The Orville and Discovery just now.

I saw the 1st episodes of both The Orville and Discovery just now. THE ORVILLE seems to have copied TNG extensively in appearance and even guest stars Brian George (who also played Dr Bashir's father in DS9)! I found most of the throw away jokes in TO very flat, and out of place.

I can see in DISCOVERY a development from Enterprise (s'posed be 10-20 years later I think) . They're using transporters for personnel now and although we didn't get an actor from the last series in the first episode (a Trek tradition after the original series) we did get a character - Sarek. That bugger gets around, obviously! I quite like the Captain, and the Science Officer, but number 1 seems erratic. I can see why lots hated the Klingons.I thought their redesign was OK, but the armour was WRONG (reminded me greatly of 16th cent European Armour).

I'd like to see a series with the XO from the Orville, and the Science Officer from the Shenzhou get together. They'd be a great combo! In any case, I'll continue to watch both.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Much more likely!

Much more likely!

Just watched this, very funny homage to "that sort" of story.

Just watched this, very funny homage to "that sort" of story.

A kickstarter campaign.

A kickstarter campaign.

Originally shared by John McGuire

Would love it if you could check out the Kickstarter for my Steampunk comic, the Gilded Age:

The Gilded Age is about a group of performers, the Branning Troupe. Half actors and half carnival folk, the group travels throughout the countries of Victorian Era Europe. For some it offers a direction to their lives, others get the adoration of the crowds, and the rest find simple refuge from a world which has cast them out.

This is for the Graphic Novel (100 pages) that collects the first four issues of the comic.

It is a bit of Steampunk meets Western meets Horror meets Fantasy.

Soooo true lol

Soooo true lol
You'll need to know DUNE and DOONSBURY to get this.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Follow the link(s)

Follow the link(s)

Terrible, but he looks a lot like Peter Capaldi as Doctor Who!

Terrible, but he looks a lot like Peter Capaldi as Doctor Who!

Paul Cézanne (French, 1839-1906)

Paul Cézanne (French, 1839-1906)
Study for L'Autopsie (c. 1867-69)
Black chalk w/ stumping on tan laid paper, 32 x 48.7 cm.
The Art Institute of Chicago (Gift of Tiffany & Margaret Blake)

Ultimately it may not matter.

Ultimately it may not matter.

More weather music, a whole playlist of it.

More weather music, a whole playlist of it.

Have I no shame?

Have I no shame?

I finished watching this miniseries today and after reading the Wikipedia entry for it and for the original novel...

I finished watching this miniseries today and after reading the Wikipedia entry for it and for the original novel (which I've not read) I see that it was a fairly close adaptation.I can't help but think though, that Clarke must have been inspired (either directly or by association) by REVELATIONS. The aliens have that certain look about them, there's a "golden age", and we see something akin to the rapture in the 3rd part.

I don't care if the book was a best seller, this was an interesting show but a dismal story!

I saw this trailer in the cinema foyer yesterday. Looks interesting.

I saw this trailer in the cinema foyer yesterday. Looks interesting.

Obviously has a different palette and experience that me. Tomatoes are "untasty"?!

Obviously has a different palette and experience that me. Tomatoes are "untasty"?!

Lionel Lindsay was related to the more well known Norman Lindsay, and this exhibition shows a number of sketches,...

Lionel Lindsay was related to the more well known Norman Lindsay, and this exhibition shows a number of sketches, water colours, etchings and wood cuts by him from the 20s and 30. His work is fabulous!

I was fascinated by the collection of Frank Hurley photos from WWI showing at the Maitland Regional Arts Gallery.

I was fascinated by the collection of Frank Hurley photos from WWI showing at the Maitland Regional Arts Gallery. There wee a number of portraits both formal and informal but almost all of the subjects were dead by 1918. There were also panoramas of scenes from "Hellfire Corner" and composite photos for dramatic effect. The image shown here for example, most likely had the planes and explosions added later.

Monday, October 16, 2017

I've been watching some episodes of Blake's 7 which I'm really enjoying.

I've been watching some episodes of Blake's 7 which I'm really enjoying. It may be just nostalgia, the fact that even though the show was made on a tiny budget (it looks and sounds a lot like the Doctor Who of the time) but I've always found the show very watchable.

Star Trek created a pattern for future shows, a model based on a well organised paramilitary ship. But the model for Blake's 7 was a Pirate Vessel and that was used for Farscape, Firefly, and to a degree Andromeda..

And while we're n about The Saints...

And while we're n about The Saints...

Originally shared by Paul Duggan


Sunday, October 15, 2017

I was impressed with BLADE RUNNER 2049, though I'm not sure if I approve of it.

I was impressed with BLADE RUNNER 2049, though I'm not sure if I approve of it.

Stylistically the film makers have made a huge effort to make the film look and sound like the original. You'd think that Vangelis (who scored the original) did the music, but actually it was Hans Zimmer. We are constantly barraged with futuristic fanfares and vistas of a post industrial (as we'd understand it) world.

Oddly enough I kept seeing elements of "A.I." and "It's a Wonderful Life" in this as well. There's a number of subplots that seem to be deliberately left unresolved, perhaps for the possibility of a sequel? As is, this film echoes the original in interesting ways. Even so, I think it was at least 30 minutes too long though.

I watched this last night on 7FLIX, and was vastly disappointed.

I watched this last night on 7FLIX, and was vastly disappointed. I think perhaps that was because it was most likely only part 2, when the survivors return to Berry. Did they show part 1 the previous week? I don't think they did, because this was advertised on 7FLIX using the iconic scene from the start of the story! The final confrontation used stop motion effects that looked more like something out of the old Doctor Who, and I just couldn't take it seriously.

I hope the part 2 of the this years film is much better, and I know that the film included most of the subplots that were dropped from the mini series.

The question that intrigues me, is how do you organise all that many people?

The question that intrigues me, is how do you organise all that many people?

Off to see either Blade Runner 2049 or Happy Death Day at the cinema today.

Off to see either Blade Runner 2049 or Happy Death Day at the cinema today. My decision was going to be based on what wasn't going to be showing after Wednesday today (all local Cinemas change the line-ups on a Thursday) but there's something very odd with all three (HOYTS, EVENT and READING) cinema websites. After Wednesday they all only show 2-3 films!

I think perhaps BLADE RUNNING 2049 wins, because I saw the original theatrical version (the one with the voice over) yesterday on local TV I'd recorded the night before.

But what happens if we apply the Narcissist Creator Razor?

But what happens if we apply the Narcissist Creator Razor? The answer becomes that Blade Runner is simply about the act of making Blade Runner. The fictional inner reality isn't about the story, it's about the reality of the maker. And what is that reality?

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Yeah, ah, um, NO. If I want to explore a virtual world it WON'T be via Facebook.

Yeah, ah, um, NO. If I want to explore a virtual world it WON'T be via Facebook.

Yeah, sure.

Yeah, sure.

Did some more work on the Buggle-Praxis base.

Did some more work on the Buggle-Praxis base.

I widened the Garage so that ships can land on top of it.Also added windows for natural lighting. To the left is a refueling section (objects to come). Now the lifeboat's been moved elsewhere the recreation area on top is cleaned up, and on top is a shelter for forklifts and some storage. The three top landing pads have been more clearly defined. The one at the rear has been moved up to align with the top level (it was recessed much lower before). I'm also startig to clean up the interior, including the kitchen.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

But - there's at least one more film after this one!

But - there's at least one more film after this one!

Of course!!!

Of course!!!

Old SF illustrations. :D

Old SF illustrations. :D

And lastly, for now, this.

And lastly, for now, this. The illustrations look luvely, but it may be that parables from this period might just seem a bit flat to a contemporary palette.

From Cossack Fairy Tales (1916) (see

From Cossack Fairy Tales (1916) (see I just love book illustrations from this period.

Hearn writes in his introduction, written only months before his death, that the majority of the stories were...

Hearn writes in his introduction, written only months before his death, that the majority of the stories were translated from old Japanese texts (some of which themselves were based on earlier Chinese tales), although one of the stories, “Riki-Baka”, he declares to be of his own making, based on a personal experience.

Wow, it would have have been great to own a physical copy of this!

Wow, it would have have been great to own a physical copy of this!

Rainbows in Art

I don't know about using this to categorise "Criminals", but it makes an interesting art reference.

I don't know about using this to categorise "Criminals", but it makes an interesting art reference.

One of lacrimosas best tracks. 🤘

One of lacrimosas best tracks. 🤘

Monday, October 09, 2017

I worked on the docking bays this afternoon.

I worked on the docking bays this afternoon. The two main things were rearranging a mezzanine level, and amd adding a set of fire escape stairs on the outside.

A control platform now leads directly to the cafeteria area and gives a clear view of the upper warehouse level. There'll be a chair and desk withe CCTV console located there, showing the level below and each docking point. The fire-escape stairs give an externat exit, in case of fire or dangerous accidents. After putting these in, I realised that it might be better to move the life boat down next to the ramp on the lower docking point, but we'll see.

The stairs also leed down to a chamber at the bottom, which is a converted "blocky bit". What's it used for? Not sure yet, but it seemed a waste not to put something there when the stairs were so close. It's an interesting angular space.

Oh, and I added a solar array on top, because it was there on the old version.

Already people ignore you in preference for checking their phone.

Already people ignore you in preference for checking their phone. Will this result in more situations (much like the Pokemon Go thing last year) where essentially more and more people will be reacting to virtual stuff, in their augmented view of reality?

Sunday, October 08, 2017

Lost concentration at crucial times when a big persistent doggy nose was shoved at me today (and the heat).

Lost concentration at crucial times when a big persistent doggy nose was shoved at me today (and the heat). Lost track of the Blender learning I was doing, so I started texturing the warehouse levels on the Buggle-Praxis base.

Argh - she's back again - I better feed her!

Loved that show.

Loved that show.

Originally shared by Laura Ess

The cosmos in sight.

Ruthless reviews of all of them!Sometimes funny.

Ruthless reviews of all of them!Sometimes funny.

The Veils - Vicious Traditions

The Veils - "The Letter"

The Veils - Full Performance (Live on KEXP)

As heard on Twin Peaks - the Return.

As heard on Twin Peaks - the Return.

You'll probably need the CC on for this one.

You'll probably need the CC on for this one.

Who isn't?

Who isn't?

Saturday, October 07, 2017

Er, 5 minutes after she met him?

Er, 5 minutes after she met him?

An analysis of the classic Heinlein time travel story.

An analysis of the classic Heinlein time travel story.

They need to send in some straw men to sort them out.

They need to send in some straw men to sort them out.

Seems sensible to me.

Seems sensible to me.

I like these ideas.

I like these ideas.

I may be mixing my artists up, but I believe that René Magritte had a studio just down the street from where he...

I may be mixing my artists up, but I believe that René Magritte had a studio just down the street from where he lived. Rather than work from home, every day he'd walk down to the studio, do his stuff, and then come home at the end of the day. In doing so, he'd be able to focus on the task at hand, creating his art work. We wasn't interrupted by his family, pets, or other distractions. If he lived today he would probably leave his smartphone (if he had one) at home.

I set up one of my rooms as a Studio, and during my Masters it more or less worked well. I'd go in at 9am, have a couple of breaks and lunch, but I'd stick at what I needed to do (either drawing or writing) until about 4pm, each work day (weekends were for goofing around a housework). It worked!

After the Masters, not so much. Perhaps because I didn't have a strong goal, my pets succeeded in interrupting me, and I drove myself to distraction.

When storytellers misunderstand the dynamics of power, it feeds misconceptions people have about who is really...

When storytellers misunderstand the dynamics of power, it feeds misconceptions people have about who is really oppressed. When privileged people falsely believe they are the victims of oppression, they lash out at those without the power to protect themselves. We see this when men get angry at all-women showings of Wonder Woman or when white folk go on racist tirades because a Black Lives Matter protest has blocked traffic.

Klingons after...

Originally shared by Michael Vegas

Klingons after...

Trouble - Snake Eyes | Twin Peaks | Part 5

More Twin Peaks sets.

More Twin Peaks sets.

I finished watching HAVEN today.

I finished watching HAVEN today. After 5 seasons for a total of 78 episodes, it's kept me entertained. I first started watching the first season on the ABC back in late 2010, and eagerly awaited the second season, but that never came on local free-to-air TV. Much later I discovered DVD sets in the local library and other sources, and took my time watching it from start to end. I've watched season 1 and 2 more than once, and then again once I found the other seasons. Obsession, much?

But I'm satisfied. The series about the town with "the troubles", based on the Steven King book The Colorado Kid came ato a reasonable conclusion, even with an unexpected but "makes sense" guest star at the end. Maybe I should go read the book, but I suspect it contains only 1% of the series.

Friday, October 06, 2017

Speaking of films called Out of the Blue, this seems to be an extremely popular title. The following films..

Speaking of films called Out of the Blue, this seems to be an extremely popular title. The following films..
1931 - musical directed by and starring Gene Gerrard
1947 - directed by Leigh Jason
1980 - a concert film by Electric Light Orchestra
1980 - featuring and directed by Dennis Hopper
1991 - a British television film starring Colin Firth
2002 - a documentary on the UFO phenomenon
2006 - a film based on the Aramoana massacre

Good heavens - a version of SOLARIS before the Tarkovsky one!

Good heavens - a version of SOLARIS before the Tarkovsky one!

Three New Prequels Get You Ready to Watch Blade Runner 2049: Watch Them Online, Then See the New Film on Friday

Wednesday, October 04, 2017

Did some building this morning while Sophie either paced back and forth to the front door, or slept on a cushion.

Did some building this morning while Sophie either paced back and forth to the front door, or slept on a cushion. I moved parking spots for D'Olby's runabout (orange) and confirmed the one for the Lifeboat (green, and only one). There's a gap between either the base's hull. The lifeboat is parked next to a "recreation area" on top, and exit signs will direct crew to here.

I also added a set of stairs going down from the crew level to the bottom level. There's already one set going up to the refueling/recreation/exit level. Both have toilets at their base, to use up an odd shape. After adding the stairs, I added a couple of balconies at the top, commonly used for "smoko breaks".

There are already two lift wells, one for passengers, and another for goods. The goods life is big enough to fit a forklift and goods in. But if the power goes off, you need a set of stairs.

Ha ha ha

Ha ha ha

Originally shared by Fritz R.

Nice mash-up
More on Texture use in SL / OS.

A discussion about why your hypergrid region might lagg badly.

A discussion about why your hypergrid region might lagg badly.

Originally shared by Mona Eberhardt

Revisiting the issue of texture-induced lag in Second Life: A case study -

Sunday, October 01, 2017

Of course Doctor Who isn't the only cross-over for the Scoobies.

Of course Doctor Who isn't the only cross-over for the Scoobies. Buffy used "Scooby Gang" to describe her regular crew all the time.
#buffy #scoobydoo

Wow, there's quite a lot of Doctor Who / Scooby Doo cross-over fanart out there!

Wow, there's quite a lot of Doctor Who / Scooby Doo cross-over fanart out there!
#doctorwho #scoobydoo

Ha ha ha ha, though this'd be funnier with the 10th Doctor, Rose, Sarah-Jane, Mickey and the "tin dog" K9.

Ha ha ha ha, though this'd be funnier with the 10th Doctor, Rose, Sarah-Jane, Mickey and the "tin dog" K9.
#doctorwho #scoobydoo

I watched the episode this is from early this morning.

I watched the episode this is from early this morning. Loved this song, so true! If you're freaking out over what the USA President is tweaking - STOP READING HIS TWEETS!

Likewise this also appears in the 5-6am time-slot.

Likewise this also appears in the 5-6am time-slot. When I first watched this, I thought it was the most boring adventure series I'd ever watched. However, occasional repeated viewings - sometimes you just don't want to get out of bed before 6am - have warmed to Nick and Foxy.

According to the Wikipedia:
The Australian rights are held by the Nine Network who, over many decades, have shown numerous repeats in non-peak viewing times. Since 2012 there have been numerous showings in the early hours of the morning on Gem, a Nine Network digital outlet, sometimes twice per morning. The Seaway repeats alternate with re-screenings of two British series Gideon's Way and Danger Man.

This is one of the shows that 9GEM show regularly in the 5-6am timeslot. It's an odd choice.

This is one of the shows that 9GEM show regularly in the 5-6am timeslot. It's an odd choice.



I must say, I'm enjoying the gratuitous music in Twin Peaks, as the acts appear at the Bang Bang Bar.

I must say, I'm enjoying the gratuitous music in Twin Peaks, as the acts appear at the Bang Bang Bar.


The JUPITER 8! #Fandom