
11thdoctor 15wordsaday 2000ad 3danimation 3rdrockgrid 3RG 50s 60s 70s 80s 80smusic 9thdoctor aacmecity AbneyPark ACDC addiction adventure AFrame AfterEverythingNowThis aha airglow AlanParsons alanparsonsproject aldi alien aliens allysloper AlyCook Ambient ambientmusic americanaphoto Amiga amvideo AnakinSkywalker anamorphic Android androidauto Andromeda Angel animatedfilm animatedmovies animatedshort animatedshortfilm animation anime annielennox anya Apocryphal Tales ApocryphalTales architecture architecturephotography ArethaFranklin art artchie Artemis81 artwork Arty Crafty Clever Stuff ArtyCraftyCleverStuff asimov AssassinationClassroom asseenoncountdown AsSeenonRage attackontitan ausmusic aussie Australia Australian australiancomics australianhistory australianmusic australiantv AustraliaOnly autos b3d B52s babylonzoo banksy barnstorm Batman baxendale beavisandbutthead berserk beserk Bewitched bigbend birthday blackcab blakes7 blender blueoystercult boadgames boardgames BoardsofCanada BobaFett bobcalvert Bowie BrinaEno Browser BSD BTPOtherPro buffy buildings buildingtools byideal C4D canada captainscarlett cars castle cat catandgirl cgshorts Chaosium charliehebdo chess chillout chistopherpriest christmas christophegoze chumbawumba cityscapephotography clara claraoswinoswald classroom clipstudiopaint coding coil Comedy comic Comic Narratives ComicNarrative comics computergames ConEmu Consoles ConspiracyTheory CophNia cosplay countdown Cover Covers coverversion CowboyBebp craftworld creativity Creepy crime cropcirlces crossover crossoverfanart crowdedhouse cthulhu CultFilm Curious Pasttimes CuriousPasttimes cybermen cycles dalek dandeacon daria DARIA darkhumour darkshadows DarkStar DarrylCunningham data DavidBowie DavidByrne dawnofthedead deadkennedys deadoralive depression detective detention deviantart devo dickdasterdly dickheads dipinti disability Disintegration DoctorHorrible doctorpuppet DoctorWho dogs Dolby donfearthereaper donhenley DontFeartheReaper dorothy DOS DoubleJ DreamGrid dreams DrFaustusAU drseuss drwho Dune easybeats ebola ebolaresponse eccomics edgarfroese edison editors Editors education elementary elves Emocore epilepsy equality Escher europeanunion Eurovision EveOnline everystar eyeinthesky Faanish Stuff FaanishStuff fairychess fanart Fandom fanguide Fantastic fantasy fantheory FarmingSimulator film filmnoir films finland firefly firekites Firestorm fisheye FitForRivals flash flashandthepan Folk folkmusic fortytwo FPS freedom froese fullemetalalchemist Fumetti funny futureimperfect futureiperfect gahanwilson game gameofgoose games Gamification gaming gangajang GaryNuman geekfactor GeorgeEllis georgeyoung gerryanderson Ghostintheshell ghostworld glinda globalpainter goth gotham graffiti graphicnovel gravity greatcanadiangrid greece Greenday greenghost gsotd gsotd2015 gsotd2017 Halloween Halloween2017 HappyNewYear Hawklords hawkwind Hawkwind Heaven17 HeavenSeventeen hedwig helsinkistreetart herbiehancock HeyHeyItsSaturday HGWells HiFidelity high history hobo holiday Holodeck horriblehistories Hottest100 howlingbells hqsplandscape huds HueytheMaltese HughLaurie HumanLeague humor humour hypergrid Immortal in indianburialground IndigoGirls InfiniteCanvas installation internet Interpol InWorldz inxs iPhone irwinallen ISeeTheWorldWithScience Issues ithinktoomuch iview Ivy JackHarkness JackieShane JamesBond January jargon Java jennyanywhere jennyeverwhere JennyEverywhere JennyEverywhere2018 JennyEverywhereDay jennyeverywhereday2018 jethrotull JimmyLittle johnlennon johnpaulyoung JohnSeverin judgedredd jughead kantner katebush kerbalspaceprogram kevcarmody kingdomhospital kirk knitting Krampus Krita KuboMovie kubrick lacunacoil ladytron language Laura Ess laurasannashewolf laurieanderson leonardnimoy leveleditor LGBT lgbtqi lindenscriptlanguage linerider linus linux Linux Live liveaction looneytunes LostWorlds LOTR loudlikelove lsl mabodecision MacOS MadScience magic magnacarta man manga manic maps marriage marriageequality MassiveAttck masters math maxq maze meaning medical Mesh metropolis MetropolisGrid michaelhutchence milkyway mirror MITLicense MoaningLisa mollymeldrum montypython montywedd MoodsOfMonday MoodyMonday MoodyMondayPhotography morlandholmes MothersDay motorific movies MrBerkley murals murdockmysteries music Música musical Musicals musicvideo muttley MyMoodyMonday mystery NameYourPrice nationalpark nedkelly Neeta neetathemechanic neilyoung neongenesisevangelion NeonHeights NetRadio newcastle NewCompanion News NewZealand NextGen nickcaveandthebadseeds nightscape nightsky nomanssky nostalgia nzmusic ObiWanKenobi Octobriana oldbuildings OpenSim opensimbuild opensimtutorials Opensimulator OpenSimulator & Hypergrid Stuff opensource Opensourcecharacter orlandoshooting OS2 overthemoon oz ozma paintings Pandora paperandpencil Paris Parody passionplay Pastiche patriarchy peanuts PearlMackie penelopepitstop people pertwee peteburns petergabriel phaistosdisc Photocomic pianomusic Pilot pirate pittura Placebo planet Podcast Podcasts Poe poetry Pop popuppaper portlandia preraffaelliti preraphaelians preraphaelites pride PriestEqualAura primus Prodigy production propaganda PS pseudoecho psychedelicfurs pumpkin pumpkins punk queer QueerComics quiz raamstein raamstien racinggame radiohead Rage RAGE railway rally RamaIV RandyNewman raymondreddington Redgum referrendum refugees relaxation REM renandstimpy rent representation research Rey RichardGreene riogrande Rip RobinHood robot Rock romanticism romanticismo romanticpaintings room327 RoryODonoghue rubik rubiks rubikstwist RussHeath sadheartshadow saleman sales samesex samyang sansar santa santaelenacanyon SBS SBSChill scarlettjohansson scfifi science ScienceSunday scifi scoobydoo scripts Scrivener seconddoctor secondlife Seconds Seconds Webcomic secondswebcomic SecondsWebcomic SeenonRAGE SeenOnRage senglestory sequentialart serenity servelan SethGlobalpainter sexandgender SF SgtRock shaggy Sherlock sherlockholmes shitpeoplesay shortanimatedfilm shortanimatedfilms shortanimatedmovie shortanimatedmovies shortfilms shortmovies sicksadworld silverage simulator siouxsieandthebanshees sistersofmercy slack slacktivity slenderman smashingpumpkins SMFY snakpuzzle Snoopy snowqueen snowyrange socialnetworking SomaFM songs sonya7s Sound and Vision SoundandMusic SoundandVision SoundAndVision space spectrumpursuitvehicle SPI spipublications spitenz splitenz spock Spoilers spyring stagecraft Starfleet StarFleet Starman StarryNights Starship startrek StarTrek starwars starwarstuesday steamboy Steampunk stopmotion Stories Stormtrooper strangeshit streetart streetphotography streetpics StreetView subgenius subhenius sunset supernatural SusanneVega svg sweeneytodd sysdneyoperahouse TameImpala tandy tangerinedream TARDIS tarot tdor TDOR2017 TED television terminology tessellationday texas texasnightsky TG thchurchband the The70s The80s The90s theblacklist thebyrds TheChurch TheChurchBand TheCityandtheCity TheCure thedamned thedoctor TheDoctors theflash TheForceAwakens thegreatpumpkin thejockstrapraiders TheLastJedi TheLoop TheMissionUK themokees themountaingoats TheNewRadicals TheOffspring theofshow theory TheSaints theshining TheSimpsons thesopranos thethe thewrights TheymightbeGiants thomasdolby timetunnel tism Tism TonnArt tonysoprano ToonArt toronto train trannie tranny trans transexual transgender transgenderdayofremembrance transsexual trek trekking trent TripleJ TrueCrime TS tshirt turisas tv TV tvseries tvshow twist ufo uhoh undeadmedia vangelis VFX Video mania videogame videogames Videomania VideoMania vikingmetal Virtual Destinations VirtualDestinations virtualworlds wackyraces waddingtons war Wargame WaroftheWorlds Webcomic webcomics weird Weirdness WesAnderson westernaustralia whedon Whovians wicked Wii wildernessphotographer willeisner windows Windows wizardofoz woolfson world WorldWonders wyoming xmas2014 yetinsyny zelazny zenpencils zombie zombieapocalypse zombies

Friday, April 27, 2018

Old Mecha.

AMV Alan Parsons Project - I Robot


And that's it - all the artists showcased in the book Toon Art published in 2002 (which you'll find under the #ToonArt hashcode thingie). After sixteen years some have changed greatly and others are just as notoriously and famously obscure as before!

But it's been fun reviewing this, especially seeing what has survived and can still be read and enjoyed. Good fun.

And one I missed, because it was on an introductory page and nowhere else.

And one I missed, because it was on an introductory page and nowhere else. Dorothy Gambrell still makes Cat & Girl though The New Adventures of Death seems lost. She's also illustrated several SF books.

Tristan Farnan is mainly known for his webcomic Leisure Town., at, Silent Key podcasts,...

Tristan Farnan is mainly known for his webcomic Leisure Town., at, Silent Key podcasts, and the webcomic Spigot..

Daniel Merlin Goodbrey is the inventor of the Tarquin engine (see comments) and creator of a number of experimental...

Daniel Merlin Goodbrey is the inventor of the Tarquin engine (see comments) and creator of a number of experimental comics.He's also done work for Marvel Comics.

Jason lex has produced several graphic novels including Washington Unbound, Bottom Feeders and The Gypsy Lounge.

Jason lex has produced several graphic novels including Washington Unbound, Bottom Feeders and The Gypsy Lounge.
#ToonArt, and comics such as Superior and Little Nemo: Dream Another Dream.
Fans in general.

demian.5's (aka Demian Vogler) website is still online, and you can find it at

demian.5's (aka Demian Vogler) website is still online, and you can find it at

Vicki Wong and Michael Murphy's work has been featured in numerous illustration and design books, while their...

Vicki Wong and Michael Murphy's work has been featured in numerous illustration and design books, while their characters have appeared on clothing, toys, and merchandise worldwide.

Patrick Farley is a webcomic and infinite canvas pioneer.

Patrick Farley is a webcomic and infinite canvas pioneer.

Way back when...

Way back when...

XDUDE (aka Jody Hatton) now runs a video consultancy.

XDUDE (aka Jody Hatton) now runs a video consultancy.

Scott McCloud is perhaps one of the most widely known proponents of comics and webcomics, who pioneered writing...

Scott McCloud is perhaps one of the most widely known proponents of comics and webcomics, who pioneered writing about comics in an academic way, in same medium (Understanding Comics, the invisible art). Since Toon Art he has produced two sequels to that work, with occasional lecture tours.

McCloud was also the principal author of the Creator's Bill of Rights, a 1988 document with the stated aim of protecting the rights of comic book creators and help aid against the exploitation of comic artists and writers by corporate work-for-hire practices. He also coined the idea of a 24-hour comic, a complete 24-page comic created by a single cartoonist in 24 consecutive hours.

The creator of Croatian Tales of Long Ago (Helen Bulaja) website is still around, though I'm not entirely sure if...

The creator of Croatian Tales of Long Ago (Helen Bulaja) website is still around, though I'm not entirely sure if the animated tales are or not (trouble with my browser).

short and sharp

short and sharp

Anzovin Studio (run by Raf Anzovin) is still around and provides services for films, animation and games.

Anzovin Studio (run by Raf Anzovin) is still around and provides services for films, animation and games.

Gil Agudin has contributed to Heavy Metal, and is expert at using 3D CGI to create comics with.

Gil Agudin has contributed to Heavy Metal, and is expert at using 3D CGI to create comics with. You can find his homepage at and

Rick Smith and Tania Menesse are mostly known for Shuck Comics which they co-wrote and was illustrated by Rick.

Rick Smith and Tania Menesse are mostly known for Shuck Comics which they co-wrote and was illustrated by Rick. Rick currently works with Brian Griggs on Kickstand Comics. Tania is currently the Director of Economic Development at City of Shaker Heights (Ohio).

John Barber was the former Senior Editor at IDW Publishing, co-author of Webcomics - Tools and Techniques for...

John Barber was the former Senior Editor at IDW Publishing, co-author of Webcomics - Tools and Techniques for Digital Cartooning, and has worked on numerous Marvel and other comics.

Jason Turner is most well known for the graphic novel True Loves, which he collaborated on with his wife, Manien...

Jason Turner is most well known for the graphic novel True Loves, which he collaborated on with his wife, Manien Bothma. Turner also self-published dozens of minicomics, the first being The Roadhouse Stickler.

The essence of Wonka!

The essence of Wonka!

Scott Christian Sava Sava founded Blue Dream Studios, a full-service CGI Animation studio in 2000, and best known...

Scott Christian Sava Sava founded Blue Dream Studios, a full-service CGI Animation studio in 2000, and best known for The Dreamland Chronicles (see His works also include The Lab, and Spider-Man: Quality of Life, as well as children’s books such as Teddy Bear Dreams.

Cayetano Garza still works as a comic artist and cartoonist, is an illustrator, and musician.

Cayetano Garza still works as a comic artist and cartoonist, is an illustrator, and musician.

Woodrow Phoenix is a comics artist, writer, editorial illustrator, graphic designer, font designer and author of...

Woodrow Phoenix is a comics artist, writer, editorial illustrator, graphic designer, font designer and author of children's books.

I've been reading the comic version of this, which in my uni's library.

I've been reading the comic version of this, which in my uni's library. Basically it's about the main character being possessed by a being called Genesis, and who is hunting down God so he can get an explanation from about why everything is the way it is! He has a couple of companions, a more or less girlfriend and a more or less undead Irishman.

It's mostly an excuse for scenes of debauchery and ultra violence, dick jokes, piss takes of various conspiracy theories. I like Steve Dillon's artwork, and know him mostly via work in 2000AD. Still got two volumes to read.
cool comparisons

Thursday, April 26, 2018


So far I've found of reviews of artists featured in the 2003 book Toon Art rather interesting. Some have gone on to make careers for themselves, others seem to have just dropped out, some are still there doing more or less the same thing, and others have gained success in other areas such as animation and film. I'm about 2/3 of the way through the artists featured, and look forward to seeing where the remainder are now.

There's not much information I can find about David Gaddis.

There's not much information I can find about David Gaddis. His work, Piercings (shown below) is still online at and he may have contribted to the film Adventures Into Digital Comics (see but there doesn't seem to be much after 2001. Otherwise, there are just too many David Gaddis profiles out there, and I wasn't about to double guess those (including David Gaddis (1807-1872) ).

Ethan Persoff has done work on archival material (see comments) as well as comics.

Ethan Persoff has done work on archival material (see comments) as well as comics. His official page is at but I confess I get lost in it! He's also a journalist and a musician.

Tracy A White is most noted for her How I Made It to Eighteen: A Mostly True Story, and her works can be found on...

Tracy A White is most noted for her How I Made It to Eighteen: A Mostly True Story, and her works can be found on Amazon at

Derek Kirk Kim (official site at begun serializing Healing Hands, his follow-up to...

Derek Kirk Kim (official site at begun serializing Healing Hands, his follow-up to Same Difference , on his website Lowbright (which is where I read Same Difference), until he decided to abort the project on July 16, 2006. Since then he's worked for Vertigo and DC, and as a film maker.

James Kochalka's career spans comics, video games, teaching and music.

James Kochalka's career spans comics, video games, teaching and music. But really, go read his Wikipedia page, as linked to here!

Justine Shaw was the first webcomic creator to be nominated for an Eisner, for her webcomic Nowhere Girl.

Justine Shaw was the first webcomic creator to be nominated for an Eisner, for her webcomic Nowhere Girl. I was unable to anything else about her, including later works, unless of course, she is also the Justine Shaw who's a staff member at the University of Queensland (and Antarctic researcher)! QV.

Both parts of Nowhere Girl are still online, and continue to be referenced and quoted in articles about webcomics and other issues.

Gene Yang is cartoonist and academic, who lectures on the subjects of graphic novels and comics, at comic book...

Gene Yang is cartoonist and academic, who lectures on the subjects of graphic novels and comics, at comic book conventions and universities, schools, and libraries.He's most noted for _ American Born Chinese_ but has also writes the Avatar: The Last Airbender comics series for Dark Horse Comics, and has numerous other works.

John Allison has most recently written Giant Days (the first volume is in my local library), and has written and...

John Allison has most recently written Giant Days (the first volume is in my local library), and has written and drawn Scary Go Round , Bad Machinery and Bobbins. Almost all of these exhibit a certain British "charm of manners", relying on a gentler and humorous resolution.

Gareth Hinds is still producing comics and graphic novels (a number of which I've read). Luvely stuff.

Gareth Hinds is still producing comics and graphic novels (a number of which I've read). Luvely stuff.

Christian Gossett has been active in films and comics since the early 1990s, and is known for working on Star Wars,...

Christian Gossett has been active in films and comics since the early 1990s, and is known for working on Star Wars, writing Prelude to Axanar (a Star Trek fan short), and video games.

Jenn Manley Lee is still very active, with Dicebox and other projects.

Jenn Manley Lee is still very active, with Dicebox and other projects. You can find her page at and patreon at

Charley Parker has been doing professional web site design since 1995, and teaches a class in Animation for the Web...

Charley Parker has been doing professional web site design since 1995, and teaches a class in Animation for the Web at the Delaware College of Art and Design.

Steve Conley is active in illustration and interactive design, and has drawn Star Trek, Ninja Turtles, and a host of...

Steve Conley is active in illustration and interactive design, and has drawn Star Trek, Ninja Turtles, and a host of other comics as well.

Broken Saints entry in WebToons is unusual in that it titles the name of the work rather than the creators.

Broken Saints entry in WebToons is unusual in that it titles the name of the work rather than the creators. In its time it an award-winning, partially Flash-animated film series by Brooke Burgess, Ian Kirby, and Andrew West (wikipedia). First published in 2001, it is one of the earliest examples of a motion comic. Like a comic, characters on the most part remain in static poses and dialogue is indicated by speech balloons. Nowadays you can use a number of apps to create the same - Madefire and MotionArtist for example - but back in 2001 this was wasn't common at all.

The website is still there, but I couldn't get the Flash version to work (probably due to my browsers rather than the site). You can though get it on Amazon, or watch it on Youtube at

Chris Bailey (official site has worked in films and animation (also see...

Chris Bailey (official site has worked in films and animation (also see Major Damage is also available tyo by at

Brian Taylor has, since making Rustboy had a career in films and animation (see...

Brian Taylor has, since making Rustboy had a career in films and animation (see Here's a clip from the animation featured in Toon Art.

Jeff Crowther's work has appeared in picture books, graphic novels, magazines, educational publications and on...

Jeff Crowther's work has appeared in picture books, graphic novels, magazines, educational publications and on television. Jeff's clients include:Stone Arch Books, Disney Adventures Magazine, Boy's Life Magazine, Newtimes Media, Northern Ohio Live magazine, Eat Your Lunch Productions, LLC and many others.

Jenni Gregory is still going illustrating, and has recently done work on Underdog and Caspar & Wendy as well as...

Jenni Gregory is still going illustrating, and has recently done work on Underdog and Caspar & Wendy as well as other work.

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Why? Because...?

Why? Because...?

Indigo Kelleigh has produced a number of comics, and is also a game designer.

Indigo Kelleigh has produced a number of comics, and is also a game designer. The Circle Weave: Apprentice to a God is avalable here:

A. P. Furtado has an interesting DeviantArt account.

A. P. Furtado has an interesting DeviantArt account.

Jim Zubkavich has also been doing professional work for some time. Very smooth.

Jim Zubkavich has also been doing professional work for some time. Very smooth.

Shannon Denton helped found Komikwerks, and has done work for DC and Marvel, and heaps of other stuff!

Shannon Denton helped found Komikwerks, and has done work for DC and Marvel, and heaps of other stuff! Wow. In fact I've probably read some of his Marvel stuff!

Dirk Tiede's Paradigm Shift is still online, and Dirk's website is at

Dirk Tiede's Paradigm Shift is still online, and Dirk's website is at

Tim Broderick's Odd Jobs is no longer online, but may be available to buy at his website. His portfolio's impressive.

Tim Broderick's Odd Jobs is no longer online, but may be available to buy at his website. His portfolio's impressive.

Joe Zabel's Rapid Eye Movement can be found here:

Joe Zabel's Rapid Eye Movement can be found here:

Jason Little is now found on Tumblr.

Jason Little is now found on Tumblr.

Gary Chaloner has a number of comics for sale online, especially for The Spirit, and The Jackaroo.

Gary Chaloner has a number of comics for sale online, especially for The Spirit, and The Jackaroo. You can also read some of his comics online, like John Law,

You can find Craig Conlan at and he has several comics for sale.

You can find Craig Conlan at and he has several comics for sale. Hairy Mary can be found online at that site.

Chuck Whelon has been quite prolific, producing many comics and books, role playing games, game art, and other...

Chuck Whelon has been quite prolific, producing many comics and books, role playing games, game art, and other things (there's six pages of his stuff on Amazon). There are several Penfell graphic novels, but nothing much online any more.

Andrew Willmore (Studio Bueno) is on DeviantArt, and Fatback and Skinny still make the odd appearance.

Andrew Willmore (Studio Bueno) is on DeviantArt, and Fatback and Skinny still make the odd appearance.

You can still read Boxjam though no new comics since 2009. Wry humour.

You can still read Boxjam though no new comics since 2009. Wry humour.

Roger Langridge has a string of comics and other works to his credit.

Roger Langridge has a string of comics and other works to his credit. Fred the Clown: The Iron Duchess can be bought from Amazon, or can be read at

Both Jonathan Rosenberg and Goats have their own wikipedia pages.

Both Jonathan Rosenberg and Goats have their own wikipedia pages.

Shannon Wheeler is an American cartoonist, best known as a cartoonist for The New Yorker, and Too Much Coffee Man...

Shannon Wheeler is an American cartoonist, best known as a cartoonist for The New Yorker, and Too Much Coffee Man survives as a one panel gag strip.

Only a single episode of Welcome to Heck survives online.

Only a single episode of Welcome to Heck survives online. I can remember reading at least a dozen episodes way back when. It's sad the rest aren't available any more, and following links to KOMIKWERKS and the message just makes this more mysterious.

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Years ago I read this book while I was doing a library course in 2006.

Years ago I read this book while I was doing a library course in 2006. It was in the TAFE library and I read it from cover to cover. It inspired me to try my hand at Web Comics. I'd alreqady done some paper comics: Hypergraphia and Queer Stuff for the local ACON magazine, but web comics promised a different sort of way of publishing.

Anyway, published in 2003, I was curious about the web comics shown as examples in this book, and the artists who made them. Some, like Cat & Girl, are still running, but what about the rest? Expect a number of posts with links to the survivors.

Pingus is a free Lemmingstm-like puzzle game covered under the GNU GPL.

Pingus is a free Lemmingstm-like puzzle game covered under the GNU GPL. It features currently 77 playable levels and runs under a wide variety of operating systems

Available at
#Windows #MacOS #Linux

In Neverball, players tilt the floor to roll a ball through an obstacle course within the given time while...

In Neverball, players tilt the floor to roll a ball through an obstacle course within the given time while collecting "coins" and attempting to reach the goal area. A ball is considered "lost" if it falls off the floor or time expires.

Like LBreakout2, another PC arcade game that's stood the test of time. I've never got above lever 3! You need good reactions and a bit of strategy to succeed.
#Windows #MacOS #leveleditor

Looks like a cool 2D shooter.

Looks like a cool 2D shooter. where... ...tons of enemy ships that shoot at you, chase you, circle around you shooting, or even launch other ships at you, while you're trying to destroy the labyrinth shaped bases!
#Windows #MacOS #Linux #Pandora #Wii #leveleditor

Enigma is a puzzle game inspired by Oxyd on the Atari ST and Rock'n'Roll on the Amiga.

Enigma is a puzzle game inspired by Oxyd on the Atari ST and Rock'n'Roll on the Amiga. The object of the game is to find uncover pairs of identically colored Oxyd stones. Simple? Yes. Easy? Certainly not! Hidden traps, vast mazes, laser beams, and, most of all, countless hairy puzzles usually block your direct way to the Oxyd stones

Looks like hours of misery fun! Also, it looks like you could learn Lua designing new levels.
#Windows #MacOS #leveleditor

I'm quick familiar with LBreakout2, which is a great homage and extension of a classic arcade game.

I'm quick familiar with LBreakout2, which is a great homage and extension of a classic arcade game. But I didn't realise that the official site also has other games such as Barrage, LGeneral (a Panzer General. look-alike), LMarbles, LPairs, LTris_, and OCC (a chess game).

LBreakout2 has heaps of custem levels at
#Windows #Linux #MacOS #Amiga #OS2 (!) #leveleditor no point do I think that Wes Anderson is suggesting that his 2028 stop-motion version of a fictional city... no point do I think that Wes Anderson is suggesting that his 2028 stop-motion version of a fictional city represents anything real or accurate about Japanese culture. It’s a look. You could swap it out for, say, Finland, and not much would change.

I have to admit that as I watched this film, I was wondering if a) there was a Japanese version of it, and b) what Japanese speaking folk would make of that, or this version!

ISLE OF DOGS end credit music. It it sounds like you feel, after seeing the film for the first time.

ISLE OF DOGS end credit music. It it sounds like you feel, after seeing the film for the first time.

More music from ISLE OF DOGS.

More music from ISLE OF DOGS.

OK, so I saw ISLE OF DOGS earlier today.

OK, so I saw ISLE OF DOGS earlier today. A strange stop-motion animated tale set in Japan where Japanese speakers only get translated with "real" translators and everything is double titled. It was quirky and weird and the music made a huge impact on me. This is from the infamous "sushi scene" which I found absolutely shocking, but couldn't look away from. This video gives you the music from that scene (if not the scene itself).

Saturday, April 21, 2018

I watched a lot of this film last night (swapping over to "Behind the Candelabra" during ad breaks).

I watched a lot of this film last night (swapping over to "Behind the Candelabra" during ad breaks). Loved it - so crazy with all sorts of "band cameos" in it. I have no idea if it's accurate, but Alan Rickman acted his arse off in it!

I half watched this film last night, alternating with watching The CBGB on the next channel.

I half watched this film last night, alternating with watching The CBGB on the next channel. If even 1% of this was true, then it was totally bizarre! Michael Douglas and Matt Damon as you've never seen them before!

Explains how The Simpsons became Zombie Simpsons. Check out the thumbs up vs the thumbs down.

Explains how The Simpsons became Zombie Simpsons. Check out the thumbs up vs the thumbs down.

Followed of course, by THIS.

Followed of course, by THIS.

My all time fave HH song. Also historically accurate!

My all time fave HH song. Also historically accurate!

One of the great things about Horrible Histories songs is how they mimic other songs.

One of the great things about Horrible Histories songs is how they mimic other songs. Oh, and Black Beard actually DID do the stuff mentioned here!!!

Bwa ha ha ha ha! Obvious, really, if you've seen both shows.

Bwa ha ha ha ha! Obvious, really, if you've seen both shows.

I read a library copy of volume 2 of this today.

I read a library copy of volume 2 of this today. The whole thing's now online. Very much a TinTinesque adventure of intrigue, action and strange and exotic limes.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

So, I attempted to read this, but by the middle of part 2 gave up.

So, I attempted to read this, but by the middle of part 2 gave up.

Unlike Fun Home, which was brief but succinct on drawing a snapshot of Bechdel's father, this drags on with an orgy of overthinking, psychoanalytical fantasies (do we really care whether Virginia Wolf ever met Donald Winnicott) and dithering about whether Bechdel is really writing about her mother or really herself.

There might be real gems of storytelling and memoir in this, but there weren't enough examples of that for me to continue.

Emerald haunt in overdrive

Emerald haunt in overdrive
Nightmare descent into Jericho city
Camel dust heralds our arrival
New Christ beneath the drunken moon
Oh Lord we are threatened again

How blurred was that crusade?

How blurred was that crusade?

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Gosh, really!!!!

Gosh, really!!!!
A typical "painted cover" of a Gold Key comic.

More stories in comic form from the Twilight Zone.

More stories in comic form from the Twilight Zone. Gold Key on the whole had a "different look" than most over comics, partly due to the artists they used, but also because of the often "painted" covers (Gouache?) and lack of panel boarders in many comics.

I read many of these as a child in the 60s.

I read many of these as a child in the 60s. Technically merchandising, but the stories in these did have Twilight Zone feel to them, and could often be very clever.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

More likely?

More likely?

I do enjoy MURDOCH MYSTERIES, set in Canada.

I do enjoy MURDOCH MYSTERIES, set in Canada. In the episode I'm watching just now, Murdoch invents LEGO and Brackenreid and friends listen to a soccer match in England via telegraph!

Saturday, April 07, 2018

Sometimes, when this place gets kind of empty

Sometimes, when this place gets kind of empty
Sound of their breath fades with the light
I think about the loveless fascination
Under the Milky Way tonight
#TheChurch #JimmyLittle #AlyCook

All that glittered had me mesmerized

All that glittered had me mesmerized
Otherwise, I would have dared
Guess the nature of our enterprise
Can't stop to sympathize, how you've been tantalized

"My name is Kirk, James Kirk..."

Originally shared by David Aguilera

"My name is Kirk, James Kirk..."

I bought a new media centre from BIG W to replace my ageing PVR and media centre in the Bedroom.

I bought a new media centre from BIG W to replace my ageing PVR and media centre in the Bedroom. II still have an old style TV in the bedroom. It does the job, but to use those and the DVD player I have next to the TV, I have an AV switching box with three positions, and expects to see AV plugs going in and out.

The old media player - a Phillips, about 4/5 years old at least - had an video jack-to-3 AV plugs cable and that's worked fine since whenever. The new MMC - a Laser B-18 - has an AV jack port in the back, so I expected it to plug in fine. NOPE! Instead I got an interference pattern on the Bedroom TV. I tried plugging it in (using the same cable) into the Lounge Room TV and there was a barely recognisable picture with the status bar showing SECAM down the bottom!

Now SECAM is the French TV standard!!!!. I was able to plug the B-18 into the Lounge TV via HDMI3 and it came up crystal clear, so it was a matter of some issue with the AV cable. After a search on the LASER website I found the following in the Q&A:

Why does the 3.5mm stereo AV cable I bought at the store not work on my media player?

The standard length of a 3.5mm audio jack is 14mm but this media player requires a longer jack of 19mm which allows it to also accept a video signal so a compatible cable is required. You can purchase the cable as it is sold as an accessory on the product information page of your device on our website.

????!!!!! And it WASN'T included with the B-18!!!! No wonder the things are marked down from $168 to $118.

Admittedly they DID include a HDMI cable, but I'd rather use the tech I have, rather than run out a better TV (which I'll do once it dies) so instead I ordered a couple of these from the site. Why bother? Why not just return the bloody thing instead? Because I did test it on the Lounge TV with the external drive I use with the Phillips and it ran really well.

It can record live TV, and has a wifi/lan net connection. It runs ANDROID 6.0 and you have a bunch of apps to do everything. In particular it has Miracast, so I can hook it up with a smart phone or tablet; KODI (formerly XBMC), an open-source media manager that plays (via plugins) almost everything!; three USB ports to connect storage and input devices (they were selling an "air mouse" as an accessory) to. You can also access Netflix, Youtube, and Crackle directly, the are apps for 4 of the 5 free to air catch-up sites, and also the Android Store, so you can get other apps top do other stuff on it as well.

Let you know how it goes.

Friday, April 06, 2018

I finished watching the 3rd and final system of Defiance last night.

I finished watching the 3rd and final system of Defiance last night. I was pleased with the finale which did a good job of wrapping things up. I've enjoyed watching the whole series as well, because it was mostly character driven, with one outlandish thing after another stirring up the townsfolk. Good stuff.

Thursday, April 05, 2018

luv it

luv it

Originally shared by The Doctor

Vive le Borg!

Originally shared by David Aguilera

Vive le Borg!

Your goal is simple.

Your goal is simple. Destroy red in as few moves as possible. When you click a stone, it rotates clockwise. The stone that it points to is converted. For each stone involved, any stone that is either pointed at or is pointing to a green stone will be converted. The rules are simple. The strategy required is not.

Available from

Conveyor Spares

Conveyor Spares
A game based on Pipes. A double layer conveyor system. The lower conveyor has to transport the goods to the packaging machine and the upper conveyor transports the packed goods.

Like Packin Plax', this game was originally made for the Caiman TPS Total Pack contest 2006. You can find some of the entries for that by searching "site: TPS Total Pack" on Google. I download a set of games from the winners way back in 2007, but I think that this a PP are the best. I'll link to some more in the comments.

Have hours of misery fun trying to pack units on the conveyor belt into boxes in this clever game.

Have hours of misery fun trying to pack units on the conveyor belt into boxes in this clever game.

Wednesday, April 04, 2018

The devastating look of being surrounded by "Abandoned Land", at...

The devastating look of being surrounded by "Abandoned Land", at in SecondLife.

This makes a lot of sense as to why the prims in Second Life / OpenSim in particular, were used - because they could...

This makes a lot of sense as to why the prims in Second Life / OpenSim in particular, were used - because they could be easily manipulated by scale and iteration. It also explains Sculpt Studio (see in Second life, where you visually arrange the points of the mesh.

I borrowed all 9 issues of this limited series from the Huxley library today.

I borrowed all 9 issues of this limited series from the Huxley library today. Shall probably get through one issue a day.

Sunday, April 01, 2018

As NOT (yet) heard on SBS Chill.

As NOT (yet) heard on SBS Chill.

As heard on SBS Chill.

As heard on SBS Chill.

I haven't played the Sims for years, mostly because when I first tried on my PC, it real r-e-a-l-l-y s-l-o-w-ly.

I haven't played the Sims for years, mostly because when I first tried on my PC, it real r-e-a-l-l-y s-l-o-w-ly. . . .

Hundreds and hundreds of rabbis

Hundreds and hundreds of rabbis

On those nights...

On those nights...

You know, I could write a book.

You know, I could write a book.
And this book would be think enough to stun an ox. Cause I can see the future and it's a place - about 70 miles east of here.
Where it's lighter.
Linger on over here.
Got the time?

Hello? Is anybody home? Well, you don't know me

Hello? Is anybody home? Well, you don't know me,
But I know you.


The JUPITER 8! #Fandom