
11thdoctor 15wordsaday 2000ad 3danimation 3rdrockgrid 3RG 50s 60s 70s 80s 80smusic 9thdoctor aacmecity AbneyPark ACDC addiction adventure AFrame AfterEverythingNowThis aha airglow AlanParsons alanparsonsproject aldi alien aliens allysloper AlyCook Ambient ambientmusic americanaphoto Amiga amvideo AnakinSkywalker anamorphic Android androidauto Andromeda Angel animatedfilm animatedmovies animatedshort animatedshortfilm animation anime annielennox anya Apocryphal Tales ApocryphalTales architecture architecturephotography ArethaFranklin art artchie Artemis81 artwork Arty Crafty Clever Stuff ArtyCraftyCleverStuff asimov AssassinationClassroom asseenoncountdown AsSeenonRage attackontitan ausmusic aussie Australia Australian australiancomics australianhistory australianmusic australiantv AustraliaOnly autos b3d B52s babylonzoo banksy barnstorm Batman baxendale beavisandbutthead berserk beserk Bewitched bigbend birthday blackcab blakes7 blender blueoystercult boadgames boardgames BoardsofCanada BobaFett bobcalvert Bowie BrinaEno Browser BSD BTPOtherPro buffy buildings buildingtools byideal C4D canada captainscarlett cars castle cat catandgirl cgshorts Chaosium charliehebdo chess chillout chistopherpriest christmas christophegoze chumbawumba cityscapephotography clara claraoswinoswald classroom clipstudiopaint coding coil Comedy comic Comic Narratives ComicNarrative comics computergames ConEmu Consoles ConspiracyTheory CophNia cosplay countdown Cover Covers coverversion CowboyBebp craftworld creativity Creepy crime cropcirlces crossover crossoverfanart crowdedhouse cthulhu CultFilm Curious Pasttimes CuriousPasttimes cybermen cycles dalek dandeacon daria DARIA darkhumour darkshadows DarkStar DarrylCunningham data DavidBowie DavidByrne dawnofthedead deadkennedys deadoralive depression detective detention deviantart devo dickdasterdly dickheads dipinti disability Disintegration DoctorHorrible doctorpuppet DoctorWho dogs Dolby donfearthereaper donhenley DontFeartheReaper dorothy DOS DoubleJ DreamGrid dreams DrFaustusAU drseuss drwho Dune easybeats ebola ebolaresponse eccomics edgarfroese edison editors Editors education elementary elves Emocore epilepsy equality Escher europeanunion Eurovision EveOnline everystar eyeinthesky Faanish Stuff FaanishStuff fairychess fanart Fandom fanguide Fantastic fantasy fantheory FarmingSimulator film filmnoir films finland firefly firekites Firestorm fisheye FitForRivals flash flashandthepan Folk folkmusic fortytwo FPS freedom froese fullemetalalchemist Fumetti funny futureimperfect futureiperfect gahanwilson game gameofgoose games Gamification gaming gangajang GaryNuman geekfactor GeorgeEllis georgeyoung gerryanderson Ghostintheshell ghostworld glinda globalpainter goth gotham graffiti graphicnovel gravity greatcanadiangrid greece Greenday greenghost gsotd gsotd2015 gsotd2017 Halloween Halloween2017 HappyNewYear Hawklords hawkwind Hawkwind Heaven17 HeavenSeventeen hedwig helsinkistreetart herbiehancock HeyHeyItsSaturday HGWells HiFidelity high history hobo holiday Holodeck horriblehistories Hottest100 howlingbells hqsplandscape huds HueytheMaltese HughLaurie HumanLeague humor humour hypergrid Immortal in indianburialground IndigoGirls InfiniteCanvas installation internet Interpol InWorldz inxs iPhone irwinallen ISeeTheWorldWithScience Issues ithinktoomuch iview Ivy JackHarkness JackieShane JamesBond January jargon Java jennyanywhere jennyeverwhere JennyEverywhere JennyEverywhere2018 JennyEverywhereDay jennyeverywhereday2018 jethrotull JimmyLittle johnlennon johnpaulyoung JohnSeverin judgedredd jughead kantner katebush kerbalspaceprogram kevcarmody kingdomhospital kirk knitting Krampus Krita KuboMovie kubrick lacunacoil ladytron language Laura Ess laurasannashewolf laurieanderson leonardnimoy leveleditor LGBT lgbtqi lindenscriptlanguage linerider linus linux Linux Live liveaction looneytunes LostWorlds LOTR loudlikelove lsl mabodecision MacOS MadScience magic magnacarta man manga manic maps marriage marriageequality MassiveAttck masters math maxq maze meaning medical Mesh metropolis MetropolisGrid michaelhutchence milkyway mirror MITLicense MoaningLisa mollymeldrum montypython montywedd MoodsOfMonday MoodyMonday MoodyMondayPhotography morlandholmes MothersDay motorific movies MrBerkley murals murdockmysteries music Música musical Musicals musicvideo muttley MyMoodyMonday mystery NameYourPrice nationalpark nedkelly Neeta neetathemechanic neilyoung neongenesisevangelion NeonHeights NetRadio newcastle NewCompanion News NewZealand NextGen nickcaveandthebadseeds nightscape nightsky nomanssky nostalgia nzmusic ObiWanKenobi Octobriana oldbuildings OpenSim opensimbuild opensimtutorials Opensimulator OpenSimulator & Hypergrid Stuff opensource Opensourcecharacter orlandoshooting OS2 overthemoon oz ozma paintings Pandora paperandpencil Paris Parody passionplay Pastiche patriarchy peanuts PearlMackie penelopepitstop people pertwee peteburns petergabriel phaistosdisc Photocomic pianomusic Pilot pirate pittura Placebo planet Podcast Podcasts Poe poetry Pop popuppaper portlandia preraffaelliti preraphaelians preraphaelites pride PriestEqualAura primus Prodigy production propaganda PS pseudoecho psychedelicfurs pumpkin pumpkins punk queer QueerComics quiz raamstein raamstien racinggame radiohead Rage RAGE railway rally RamaIV RandyNewman raymondreddington Redgum referrendum refugees relaxation REM renandstimpy rent representation research Rey RichardGreene riogrande Rip RobinHood robot Rock romanticism romanticismo romanticpaintings room327 RoryODonoghue rubik rubiks rubikstwist RussHeath sadheartshadow saleman sales samesex samyang sansar santa santaelenacanyon SBS SBSChill scarlettjohansson scfifi science ScienceSunday scifi scoobydoo scripts Scrivener seconddoctor secondlife Seconds Seconds Webcomic secondswebcomic SecondsWebcomic SeenonRAGE SeenOnRage senglestory sequentialart serenity servelan SethGlobalpainter sexandgender SF SgtRock shaggy Sherlock sherlockholmes shitpeoplesay shortanimatedfilm shortanimatedfilms shortanimatedmovie shortanimatedmovies shortfilms shortmovies sicksadworld silverage simulator siouxsieandthebanshees sistersofmercy slack slacktivity slenderman smashingpumpkins SMFY snakpuzzle Snoopy snowqueen snowyrange socialnetworking SomaFM songs sonya7s Sound and Vision SoundandMusic SoundandVision SoundAndVision space spectrumpursuitvehicle SPI spipublications spitenz splitenz spock Spoilers spyring stagecraft Starfleet StarFleet Starman StarryNights Starship startrek StarTrek starwars starwarstuesday steamboy Steampunk stopmotion Stories Stormtrooper strangeshit streetart streetphotography streetpics StreetView subgenius subhenius sunset supernatural SusanneVega svg sweeneytodd sysdneyoperahouse TameImpala tandy tangerinedream TARDIS tarot tdor TDOR2017 TED television terminology tessellationday texas texasnightsky TG thchurchband the The70s The80s The90s theblacklist thebyrds TheChurch TheChurchBand TheCityandtheCity TheCure thedamned thedoctor TheDoctors theflash TheForceAwakens thegreatpumpkin thejockstrapraiders TheLastJedi TheLoop TheMissionUK themokees themountaingoats TheNewRadicals TheOffspring theofshow theory TheSaints theshining TheSimpsons thesopranos thethe thewrights TheymightbeGiants thomasdolby timetunnel tism Tism TonnArt tonysoprano ToonArt toronto train trannie tranny trans transexual transgender transgenderdayofremembrance transsexual trek trekking trent TripleJ TrueCrime TS tshirt turisas tv TV tvseries tvshow twist ufo uhoh undeadmedia vangelis VFX Video mania videogame videogames Videomania VideoMania vikingmetal Virtual Destinations VirtualDestinations virtualworlds wackyraces waddingtons war Wargame WaroftheWorlds Webcomic webcomics weird Weirdness WesAnderson westernaustralia whedon Whovians wicked Wii wildernessphotographer willeisner windows Windows wizardofoz woolfson world WorldWonders wyoming xmas2014 yetinsyny zelazny zenpencils zombie zombieapocalypse zombies

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

How to get up from the floor (after a fall) - MacGyver style!

They're rebooting again!!!!

They're rebooting again!!!!

And yet, this is still one of my all time favourite Eurovision songs. Where do they get those hats from?

And yet, this is still one of my all time favourite Eurovision songs. Where do they get those hats from?

Cheeky saxophone.

Cheeky saxophone.

Sweet dreams

Sweet dreams
It'd been a hard day at the cyber factory.

Some old school new wave.

Some old school new wave.

We'll see...

We'll see...

If you want to see a "more accurate" version of Barnum's story, WATCH THIS.

If you want to see a "more accurate" version of Barnum's story, WATCH THIS.

His children were immortal.

His children were immortal. The main events in the story took place over almost 30 years, yet his preteen daughters never aged a day. You heard it here first, folks: PT Barnum's kids were secretly vampires.

It's true - I thought that was rather odd! This is a fair appraisal of the film. My trouble was that a) I'd already seen BARNUM! and I'd read about the title character, so I knew what was changed. I still liked the film, but it was fluff. In fact so much, that at the film there's actually a any resemblance to living or dead persons is purely coincidental notice!!!!

Cool drawing of Daria.

Cool drawing of Daria.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

The TEN network are advertising BUFFY starting 12th MARCH.

The TEN network are advertising BUFFY starting 12th MARCH. I have all of it on DVD, but there's always something nice about watching it on Free-to-air TV, because that's what it was made for.

Mind you, the last time they did this they stopped showing it midway through season 3, so I just got the DVDs out and finished watching the whole series myself.
#Buffy #AustralianTV #TV

Monday, February 26, 2018


. I just finished watching the INHUMANS TV series and with the exception of Sue Storm, ALL the characters shown here were in it. In some respects it felt very much like a 1970s TV show, but overall the characters were faithful to their comics originals. That naughty Maximus!!!

Sunday, February 25, 2018

I have it on good authority that this reach ed the top 6 in the 12th century.

I have it on good authority that this reach ed the top 6 in the 12th century.

Turn on the subtitles first, unless you speak Russian.

Turn on the subtitles first, unless you speak Russian.

I am a man-wolf, the man in me would kill the wolf

I am a man-wolf, the man in me would kill the wolf
I am a wolf man, the wolf in me would eat the man
I am a wolf man, who despises the striving of common men
Who sees them at work, at their daily tasks
At factories and office desk
Who watches them at evening, elbows lift at tavern tables,
Heads lolling in song
Ich weiss nicht what ik zagen zollen

down among the dead.

down among the dead.

Well is it??

Well is it??


Originally shared by Jennifer Druidhill

Which are good, if you want to make a Pixar type story.

Which are good, if you want to make a Pixar type story.

Saturday, February 24, 2018

This destination isn't on any grid as such, but on an OAR you can load to your grid.

This destination isn't on any grid as such, but on an OAR you can load to your grid. HAX NUIT was created by ener hax and you can download it from either or

For a single 256x256 region it's packed with 37,488 prims, and tells a story, if you can read between the lines. Why a deserted city? Why a crashed helicopter on top of one of the buildings. There's a mystery here . Was it ground zero for the zombie apocalypse perhaps, or maybe the population was evacuated after a radioactive accident? Who can tell, but there's an air of decay and abandonment the permeates this build, and it seems perfect for either a webcomic or role-playing (you can guess which I'll use it for). Until today I'd not looked at or explored it detail, but I'm glad I did. There's attention to detail here, and I got into the abandoned vibe of the place.

"I must not fear.

"I must not fear.
Fear is the mind-killer.
Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain."

As he would.

As he would.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

I first heard about this house via a GOLD KEY Twilight Zone comic in the 60s! Could be amusing.

I first heard about this house via a GOLD KEY Twilight Zone comic in the 60s! Could be amusing.

I've been watching some of season 1.

I've been watching some of season 1. After an article I read which had HUGE HOPES for this, I wasn't surprised that the show seemed more like a misfire than a work of art. The plot and characterisation is close to the comic originals (always about dynastic friction and plotting) but that means the Attilan scenes have stilted dialogue that matches more of a Bible Epic, and plotting is only about 2 levels deep (oh golly, he was a traitor?!). Production values seem, um, cheap. We have habitations on the moon that look like 3 star hotel rooms, and sets that look like the paint has barely dried on them. Crystal seems like she popped over from Charlie's Angels, and battle scenes for no good reason are endemic.

Nonetheless I'm sort of enjoying this, even if the best character is a giant teleporting dog.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

So I finished reading the graphic novel adaptation of King's THE STAND today.

So I finished reading the graphic novel adaptation of King's THE STAND today. I've rever read the original book but have seen both film/TV versions of this. The graphic novel fills in a lot of gaps from that version and is probably much closer to the book.

Anyway, I get to one of the critical scenes and see THIS PANEL. Now Richard Bachman is the alias that King wrote under between 1977-2007. Apparently adopting the nom de plume Bachman was also an attempt to make sense out of his career and try to answer the question of whether his success was due to talent or luck [Wikipedia], so this is a King cameo in a King novel! The adapters decided to insert him towards the end of the series. Which is odd, because I think that in Harold Lauder there's already a Stephen King analogue in the story. For me, Lauder is a bit like Danforth Keeton in NEEDFUL THINGS - a flawed individual who over-thinks things and easily influenced by the the antagonist of that story (and end up killing his wife with a hammer). In both cases there points where it could have gone either way for these characters, but their doubts and paranoia got the better of them.

Not that I'm suggesting that King is a doubtful paranoiac, but I think they both stand in as the author's worst idea about themselves, a average but potentially brilliant person who could easily go under of the hard road to success. Either way they make interesting characters in the stories. THE STAND is half survivalist, half Christian fantasy that succeeds because it deals with moral issues. The graphic adaptation has been a good read.

Sunday, February 18, 2018

And I don't want another go round - I don't want to start again

And I don't want another go round - I don't want to start again
No I don't want another go round - I want this to be the end
I want this to be the end - I don't want to start again

Some of these classical pieces are VERY mood intense.

Some of these classical pieces are VERY mood intense.

"Spaceship Park" in Camrose, Alberta.

Originally shared by David Aguilera

"Spaceship Park" in Camrose, Alberta.

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Deep in the meadow - Jennifer Lawrence

Long overdue

Long overdue

Have been adding furniture of various sorts today.

Have been adding furniture of various sorts today.

The Faculty area got a lunch room, some furniture and a secretarial cubicle. I still haven't made the printer and photocopier that goes next to it. The lunch room is based on a number I've used in the public service, and includes chairs for each faculty head, and one each for the secretary and librarian. A back door leads to the faculty washroom.

And I've finally created stuff to go in that, and the main washroom for Buggle staff. No shower in the faculty washroom, but they each get one in their quarters. The Buggle washroom has six cubicles, three showers and a row of sinks facing a mirror. There are two dorms, one for the day shift and the other for the night shift, so hopefully they wouldn't get used all at once.

Am very keen to get to the cafeteria next. All of this furniture will be stored in a BB and rezzed when needed.

Me, when I'm feeling my age.

Me, when I'm feeling my age.

Friday, February 16, 2018

Over The Moon

Originally shared by CG Shorts

Over The Moon
by students at Media Design School

A feminist space adventure about kick-ass comic book heroine Connie Radar as she attempts to prevent the first moon landing.

#overthemoon #shortanimatedmovie #cgshorts #animation #3danimation #film #shortanimatedfilm #animatedshortfilm #animatedshort #animatedfilm #shortanimatedfilms #shortfilms #shortmovies #movies #animatedmovies

As a child I'd always wondered how Dick's aunt Harriet never figured out that Bruce and Dick were Batman and Robin.

As a child I'd always wondered how Dick's aunt Harriet never figured out that Bruce and Dick were Batman and Robin. Of course in the comics - see - she was a temporary replacement for Alfred,

Now if the "Dozierverse" (ha ha) were real life, she probably did know about their secret identities, but kept quiet because she either enjoyed the "good life" or thought it better to let them indulge in their eccentric past time.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

I've been working on the Lecture Room.

I've been working on the Lecture Room. I think you could get an audience of 18 in there tops, once the seating's been installed. The window can be faded to black for audio video displays. The lecture board has a texture cycle script that cycles whatever you put in to the linkset. There's a storage area just off camera to the far right of the 2nd image.

See, I told you it needed a lecture theatre!

Monday, February 12, 2018

"Shut up Karl, no one's listening!"

"Shut up Karl, no one's listening!"

So I saw this film today.

So I saw this film today.

Had been a while since I saw the first two and to be honest I'm mostly forgotten who the main characters were. I managed to pick it up again. I have no idea how close these films are to the books they're based . If it goes to form (like The Hunger Games and Divergent) the first film is always very close, and thereafter it's anybodies guess - though having also read both trilogies the Hunger Games films are pretty close, and the Divergent ones well, diverged).

But this was an OK Block Buster with a number of set pieces that were predictable. There were a couple of scenes that reminded me of Luke and Han running around the Death Star in A New Hope, and one scene that resembled Aliens, but on the whole it was enjoyable.

Glad I caught it before it vanish from the big screen.

They were thinking of doing prank calls to Hi-Fidelty, Bwa ha ha ha!

They were thinking of doing prank calls to Hi-Fidelty, Bwa ha ha ha!

MURDERS IN THE RUE MORGUE!!! Start at 6m54s, or what the whole musical.

MURDERS IN THE RUE MORGUE!!! Start at 6m54s, or what the whole musical.

A perfect song for Frankie Howerd. I can imagine this in the music halls.

A perfect song for Frankie Howerd. I can imagine this in the music halls.

Sunday, February 11, 2018

This'll make up for the previous share.

This'll make up for the previous share.

A "gravel rock demon voice" song. Go do some gargling!

A "gravel rock demon voice" song. Go do some gargling!

Seriously, one or two might almost be enjoyable, but I doubt it.

Seriously, one or two might almost be enjoyable, but I doubt it.

I bet it won't be.

I bet it won't be.

ha ha

ha ha

Originally shared by David Aguilera


Some progress working with lights.

Some progress working with lights.

Under version 1.7.1 of Rene's Lighting system, you have either a "Linkset mode" or a "Region Mode". The first works with prims that are part of a linkset, obviously, but within that you can also have something called Light groups. With this, you can link a number of prims in a linkset together by giving them the same prim description text. That also includes a separate (but still part of the linkset) prim with a switch script.

In the example below, I named three lights "Recycle Tank Lights" and put light.lsl in each, then I had another prim with the same description but with the switch.lsl script in it. Pressing the switch prim toggles those lights on/off, but leaves the other light group on that level (called "Recycle Control Lights") alone. And the real beauty of this is that you're not editing the scripts themselves, you're just copying them into the prims. Simplicity itself. Also, the ability to have a real switch is a nice touch.

And that makes life easier with the lights. Rather than adding them to the floor linksets - or rather the floor linkset above the current level which of course is also this level's ceiling - it's better to add them to the one of the wall linksets (either Inner or Outer) of that level. I really like the idea of a secondary level of control using prim descriptions, because that could be used for other applications, like starting/stopping a motor or effect. Cool.

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Am adding lights to the base, which will be important when it's used as a shooting set.

Am adding lights to the base, which will be important when it's used as a shooting set. I was using Rene's Free Lighting System but discovered a later version at Perhaps now I can get the night light to work.

Also, I need to investigate correct graphics settings in the viewer so that lighting doesn't illuminate through sold walls. It's there somewhere.

If you’re sitting down to write out that great idea you had, but the story won’t cooperate, it’s likely that you’re...

If you’re sitting down to write out that great idea you had, but the story won’t cooperate, it’s likely that you’re having trouble with the premise. That isn’t the end of the world! Often the story you’ve written will work fine with a different premise. For example, Beauty and the Beast would have worked much better if it were about a transformed prince deciding he’s fine with the way he looks now, and Voyager could have been a continuation of The Next Generation.

Monday, February 05, 2018

I've been listening to lots of Musicals today.

I've been listening to lots of Musicals today. Just in the mood for it. Lots of drama and tragedy in those, even people getting their throats cut - and yet they can be very uplifting.

Sunday, February 04, 2018

Well it took a little bit of fiddling but I got what I wanted.

Well it took a little bit of fiddling but I got what I wanted. I needed to modify the rotation scripts so that when rezzed the turbines would be in a default (upright) position. I found that it was a bit dodgy using a rotating object directly with Builder's Buddy because the recording process can result in objects with mixed rotations, so I found a touch to start/stop rotation script and modified that:

integer onOff;
default {
touch_start(integer num_detected) {
vector windVector = llWind( ZERO_VECTOR);
float windSpeed = llVecMag( windVector);
onOff= !onOff;
llTargetOmega( < 0.0, 0.0, -2.0 >, windSpeed*onOff*1.5, 1.0 );

Now when the turbines are rezzed by the BB, they're in a static position. Touching them will toggle the spinning, which is related to the wind speed at that position at that time. Having seen wind turbines move in real life, I know that adjacent turbines can move at quite different speeds.

The two green turbines in the foreground are attached to the 2C landing pad which is currently out of shot, but it makes sense to have thing in this BB. When everything's in position it looks positioned correctly.

love this

love this

Originally shared by The Doctor

Saturday, February 03, 2018

And speaking of Wind Turbines, it's a bit of a pain to animate.

And speaking of Wind Turbines, it's a bit of a pain to animate. I can't just plonk a simple rotation script in the mesh because it seems it's centre isn't the pole in the middle. Rather, I have to make it a child of a prim that is centred on that pole and rotate that. Even so, that takes care, or the bloody thing STILL wobbles!

This means that the turbines would be best as BB components, rezzed only when needed, because such linksets can be placed anyway.

I came across a CC0 licensed wind turbine model just perfect for the Buggle Bases.

I came across a CC0 licensed wind turbine model just perfect for the Buggle Bases. The larger version shown here is 10% of the original size!!!! The smaller version is more like what I'll use, but I might edit this in Blender to shorten the supporting beam by 1/2 first.

I was working on the basement today.

I was working on the basement today. Added air con units, walls, stairs , lots of vents and ducting, and a battery set. Those orangey looking beams are supports for external landing pad arms. Still to come, wind turbines and bits of signage.

Some secrets were never meant to be revealed.

Some secrets were never meant to be revealed.

I remember watching these back in the 70s.

I remember watching these back in the 70s.



Friday, February 02, 2018

I've been making lots of little changes and one BIG change as I've been going through the levels and consolidating...

I've been making lots of little changes and one BIG change as I've been going through the levels and consolidating linksets. The BIG change was instead of having a floor and wall linkset for each level, the wall linkset has been broken into an Inner and Outer linkset. This is for convenience. If I only need the shell of the base for an image, it means I don't have to rezz everything. But, it took a while to work my way through each wall linkset diving it up.

The small changes include: adding a lecture theatre and library for the Praxis side (accessed via the main corridors on each level); an exercise area above those; two sets of toilet/wash room blocks on the Praxis side (which really did need to be near the accommodation areas; a simplification of the area near the state rooms, which is now level with those and the recreation area, and partly covered; drains!; the life boat now has a proper dock; the warehouse basement is a bit more regular now; and the recycling tanks are spaced properly.

The process of going through level by level is lengthy one, but it made sure that everything is in the right place, allowed me to eliminate multiple prims where only one was needed, and align walls and floors properly. The NEXT stage is to go though the layers again, adding signs, furniture and props. Once that's done BB sets can be created and the set will be complete. It's a lot of work.

For Halloween, I constructed my own Rosie costume!

Amanda Parer's Giant Inflatable Rabbits Invade Public Spaces Around the World

Werner's Nomenclature of Colours: a Pre-Photographic Guide for Artists and Naturalists

I've started watching Gankutsuou for a second viewing.

I've started watching Gankutsuou for a second viewing. The last time I watched it was back in 2008 and it was less than perfect since my then boarder would come and watch it, then have a cigarette break, and wander off without indicating they were coming back to finish watching it.

But, I know the story well, and the graphics are absolutely dazzling and gorgeous!

Thursday, February 01, 2018

ooooh, ooh, um, yeah.

ooooh, ooh, um, yeah.

I bought the album after seeing this on Countdown.

I bought the album after seeing this on Countdown.

Well, while I enjoy SHERLOCK, I generally prefer ELEMENTARY as a better adaptation of the Sherlock Holmes characters.

Well, while I enjoy SHERLOCK, I generally prefer ELEMENTARY as a better adaptation of the Sherlock Holmes characters. Lucy Lu and Johnny Miller make a great Watson and Holmes, and are way more believable than the hyped characterisations found in SHERLOCK.

I have seen this before, but this article explains it better.

I have seen this before, but this article explains it better. I like that Australia appears on almost every version of this.

I imagine a crossover between Fantomas and the Phantom of the Opera.

I imagine a crossover between Fantomas and the Phantom of the Opera.

Hawkwind were always best when playing trippy music. What sort of trip was up to the listener.

Hawkwind were always best when playing trippy music. What sort of trip was up to the listener.


The JUPITER 8! #Fandom